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Member Rating: 5.33 out of 10 |
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Henry David
"Kind and loving"
47 years old Male
living in United States, South Carolina, Columbia
looking for Female.
Appearance I am 6'0'' tall. My body style is average. I have hazel eyes. I have gray hair. Origin I was born in United States. My ethnicity is white. I am christian. I can speak English language(s).Personal I do not smoke. I drink socially. I have no children. I have not decided if i want children. My education level is university. I work as sales. More about me I enjoy reading and I love nature and animals. I also like theater and live concerts. I'm a bit of an introvert and sometimes need time to myself. I'm also very loving and attentive. I live in the country and have a modest vegetable garden. I would like to find a life partner who understands how imperfect we can be. Love is a garden we must tend to each day. |
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