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Join The GetNetWise Initiative
GetNetWise is a project created by Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations to help ensure that Internet users have safe and rewarding online experiences. We want Internet users to be only "one click away" from all the resources they need to make informed decisions about their and their family's online experience. According to PC Magazine, there are over 81,000 external links on the Web directly to GetNetWise.org. Yet we need your help to ensure that this initiative achieves its greatest potential.
If you are an Internet service provider or a Web content provider, you can join the GetNetWise initiative by making the GetNetWise resources available on your Web site. If you are a concerned Internet user, please make sure that your Internet service provider and your favorite Web sites participate in the GetNetWise initiative. If they are not yet participants, please e-mail them, requesting that they join the project and point them to this page. (http://www.getnetwise.org/join/).
For ISPs and Content Providers:
Two Ways to Participate in the GetNetWise Initiative
[ link, or become a "Supporter" ]
We've made participation EASY. You can simply add a link to GetNetWise in an appropriate place on your Web site. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions below. Whatever option you choose, please contact us with your site name and URL so that we can acknowledge your participation in the GetNetWise initiative.
1. Link to the GetNetWise central resource.
If you put a GetNetWise icon on your Web site, you give your visitors direct access to all our online safety resources. Your link will ensure that more Internet users know about this initiative and have the opportunity to "Get Net Wise."
By using the following GetNetWise button, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions of participation.
Simply insert the following html code into the page where you want the button to appear:
<a href="http://www.getnetwise.org"><img height="31" width="150"
alt="GetNetWise: You're One Click Away" border="0" /></a>
2. Become a Supporter of GetNetWise
If you are interested in becoming a financial supporter of the GetNetWise initiative, please contact Danielle Yates at the Internet Education Foundation. A current list of supporters is available. Supporters are permitted to use the content on the GetNetWise.org Web site in their own Web sites -- consistent with some general guidelines.
Terms and Conditions:
- Your right to display the icon (Button) and the GetNetWise Web page is limited to your Web site.
- You may not remove, distort, or alter any element of the Button or GetNetWise Web site or otherwise change the size or appearance of the Button or Web site in any way.
- You may not display the Button in a manner that is misleading, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene, or otherwise objectionable to GetNetWise, or impairing of the rights of GetNetWise in its trademarks or logos.
- You may not display the Button in any manner that implies a relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship of, or endorsement by GetNetWise, or that can be reasonably interpreted to suggest that editorial content on your site has been authored by, or represents the views or opinions, of GetNetWise or GetNetWise personnel.
- GetNetWise staff reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the Button or Web site at any time and to take action against any use that does not conform to these terms and conditions, infringes any GetNetWise intellectual property or other right, or violates applicable law.