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Pet For Sale & How to find a pet of your choice

A pet for sale sign doesn't automatically mean that you are purchasing your new pet from the best source. There are many great pet stores out there, however there are some that are not well maintained or the pets health in these stores are at a risk or neglected. There are some guidelines to look for when you want to find a pet for a pet store or a breeder.

Good Signs of a Pet Store or a Pet Breeder

-Animals in the pet store are being fed a variety of nutritious food which is appropriate for each species.

-Animals in the pet store are being housed in right sized cages, not over crowded, clean cages, with appropriate toys and accessories.

-Animals in the pet store are properly groomed & clean.

-Pet Store Staff is able to answer all questions about the animals background.

-Pet Store Staff try to educate the buyers about the different animals & the care needed to take care of each animal such that the buyers make an educated decision.

-Pet Store Staff will seek vet care in case of a sick animal

-Pet Stores will accept constructive criticism, or suggestions with interest, and the desire to improve

Bad Signs of a Pet Store or a Pet Breeder

-Animals in the pet store looks physically weak & lacks the basic necessities.

-Animals in the pet store are not taken to walk at appropriate times & the cages are unclean and/or an extreme odor is present.

-Cages are overcrowded and/or animals of opposite sexes or conflicting species are being housed together

-Pet Store Staff are unknowledgeable, and unable to answer any questions you have

-Pet Store Staff do not try to educate potential buyers

-Pet Stores are selling animals which are too young to be away from their mother (or young baby birds.)

-Cages are too small for the species occupying them.

-Cages are located in extreme sunlight (windows), in unlighted areas, or in an area where people could possibly injure the animal (or vise versa.)

-Animals in the pet store are lacking toys, and are expressing signs of behavioral distress (feather plucking, pacing, etc.)

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