Pet Odors Removal – Best Techniques
All pet odors & stains should be identified first - holding a black light will show even old stains.
Pet Stained areas should be cleaned with an enzyme cleanser specially formulated for pet urine and feces.
Pets tend to go back to where they have stained before & in order to ensure further pet stains & remove all pet odors, in the existing stained areas; make these areas unattractive or unavailable to your pet.
Make the appropriate bathroom area attractive by keeping it very clean.
Teach your pet to use this place by using positive reinforcement training techniques & rewarding when done right and close supervision or pet confinement.
Methods to avoid
Pet Odor Removal should never involve Steam cleaners.
Never use Chemicals, especially ones with strong odors like ammonia or vinegar, may encourage your pet to mark over the odor.
Washable items
Pet Stained Items should be Machine washed by adding either baking soda or enzymatic cleanser.
Pet Odor Removal involves pet training, While training, cover your belongings with vinyl, plastic, or anything easy to clean and that's unattractive to your pet.
Pet Odor Removal from carpets & upholstery
Pet Odor Removal from carpets is a difficult task as its hard to machine wash , however there are some basic steps. Soak up as much of the urine as possible.
After a couple of hours, rinse with cool water and remove as much water as possible.
There are a lot of products which are available in the super market for pet odor removal from carpet. Use the enzyme cleansers following the manufacturer's directions and always test them in a hidden area first.
Pet Stains Removal: For Pre-Existing stains:
Heavily Stained carpets should be cleaned using an extractor or vet vacuum, pet owners should consider renting an extractor or wet vac from a local hardware store. This machine operates much like a vacuum cleaner and is efficient and economical. Extracting/wet vac machines do the best job of forcing clean water through your carpet and then forcing the dirty water back out again. Don't use any chemicals with these machines; they work much more effectively with plain water.
Once the area is really clean, use a high-quality pet odor neutralizer available at pet supply stores. Pet Owners should be fully aware of the side effects & procedure to use Pet odor neutralizer. If the area still looks stained after it's completely dry from extracting and neutralizing, try any good carpet stain remover.
If pet stains & pet odors are still exist, then In some cases, pet owners may need to take the drastic step of removing and replacing that portion of the carpet and padding.
Re-Train Your Pet
Finally, in conjunction with cleaning, pet training is important if pet owners want pets to eliminate in the right place. The re-training period may take 2 weeks or more. |