Yahoo! - Address and Phone Number
Street Address |
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California 94089 |
Phone |
(408) 349-3300 |
Fax |
(408) 349-3301 |
Office Hours |
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST |
From San Jose: |
Take 101 North and exit on Mathilda Avenue. |
Turn right on Mathilda and continue to First Avenue (also marked as Bordeaux on the right). |
Make a left on First Avenue. |
Make first right into Yahoo! parking lot. Building D (701) is the first building on the right side. |
The lobby entrance faces the courtyard. |
From San Francisco: |
Take 101 South and exit onto 237 east (Alviso/Milpitas exit). |
Merge onto 237 and exit immediately toward Mathilda Avenue. |
Turn left onto Mathilda Avenue and continue to First Avenue (also marked as Bordeaux on the right). |
Make a left on First Avenue. |
Make first right into Yahoo! parking lot. Building D (701) is the first building on the right side. |
The lobby entrance faces the courtyard. |
(If you miss the 237 exit off 101 South, continue to Lawrence Expressway North exit. Turn left and continue on Lawrence Expressway North, which turns into Caribbean Way. First Avenue is a few miles up on the right side.)