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<< Weather Report: The air is quite cool even for this time of year and it rains more often than usual but after the last, overly hot, dry summer, the plants need it. There are heavy thunderstorms occuring in the mountains and cold winds blow harshly all over the Between but especially close to the Ends as usual. However, there are days with milder temperatures as well, only they are rather rare at the moment. >>

Board Time: Friday, April 26th (evening) and the following 24 hours, Year 43
Terminus Excidetus latest news: Town Map available
Welcome back; your last visit was on Feb 17 2005, 07:25 AM
Character Files
Forum Topics Replies Last Post Info
This is - obviously - where your character/crossover application has to be posted (depending on whether you are a player or an admin).
Application Sheets for players and admins alike as well as the (mandatory!) info files can be found on our website.

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Personal Characters
Every accepted application for characters staying at Terminus Exidetus will be placed here.
11 0 Feb 12 2005, 06:18 PM
In: Drysi Aghamora na Avonmora
By: drysi
Minor Characters | NPCs
Profiles and a list of characters that don't have the status of personal characters are stored here. Make sure to read the respective profile before using the character.
Since they aren't allowed to play a major part, anyone may post a bio here directly thus agreeing to the terms that come along with the status of an NPC.

6 1 Feb 11 2005, 03:49 PM
In: Gabrielle
By: Gabrielle
Needed Characters
Here, you can find and post files for characters that need to be played - e.g. if there is a special person for your character needed and you don't want to play her/him yourself.
As this world grows, requests to take up special characters may turn up as well.

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OOC Forums
Forum Topics Replies Last Post Info
Any thread opened up here will be displayed atop of the board. Admins will use this forum for important announcements but if you have something you want attention for, feel free to post in here as well!
3 3 Feb 10 2005, 08:53 PM
In: Town Map available
By: Matt
General Discussion
Try out your sigs and talk about everything you want... but keep it polite, will ya?
5 31 Feb 16 2005, 11:27 AM
By: Matt
RP Talk
For everything RP-related, plotting and planning, discussing ideas, questions, siggy requests etc, this is the right place to post.
2 0 Jan 21 2005, 04:50 PM
In: Player Contacts
By: Matt
New Threads | Participation Requests
You opened up a thread and want anyone or a specific character to reply? A thread is already running and people are slacking or you want to discuss details? This is your place to go! There will also be a post including information about the active threads.
1 0 Jan 21 2005, 04:33 PM
In: Currently active IC Threads
By: Matt
Over the hills and far away?
Please tell us when a time of absence is ahead and if/under which conditions you grant the right for NPC'ing your character(s)!

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Feel free to advertise your board here (and ONLY here) but mind the advertising rules! Affiliation requests go in a pinned topic in here as well.
11 1 Jan 30 2005, 10:02 PM
In: Desolation
By: Waryk

IC Forum :: The Town Area
Forum Topics Replies Last Post Info
The Town - Metropolis for lack of Comparison
The only actual urban area of Terminus has the size of a small city with a population of around one and a half million people - too large for its inhabitants to know everyone, too small for oddities to occur (or arrive) unnoticed.
If you don't know where to post inside the Town or somewhere for which there is no subforum, post here! There is a map and further info inside that may help you...

2 4 Feb 10 2005, 08:47 PM
In: An Overview
By: Matt
The Tourist Guide's Home
New arrivals should come here. For interesting goods or valuable material, the Tourist Guide will give you all the information you need for a cozy life in Terminus. You can read his usual welcoming words on the website so not everyone needs to go and meet him IC which you may anyway though, sooner or later, for he is known to wander about to make a bargain with people who haven't heard of him yet.
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The Graveyard
Even this strange town needs one and like most of its kind, Terminus' cemetery is said to be haunted. One reason for those rumors might be the high concentrating of latent vortexes in the area.
1 4 Feb 6 2005, 10:10 PM
In: Dreaming in Death
By: xXKoXx
The Market Place
Wednesday and Saturday, large markets are being held here but you may meet the one or other chandler no matter when you come.
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Dark Tower - The Count's Manor
An enormous tower resembling a dark skyscraper higher than any other building is situated in the center of the Town. Connected to the elevated rails, apparently serving as a pillar, this luxurious estate is owned by the Count and his family (info file "Politics and Economy").While highranking members of the Guard and others possessing influence and the Count's trust are living inside it, the settlement around it - almost like a small town by itself - is reserved for the other subordinates. The Manor itself you had better not enter uninvited...
3 2 Feb 16 2005, 11:53 PM
In: A grandiose entrance to the...
By: Gabrielle
The Thing
The largest inn/tavern type of place in town.
If you want to include Agate or any of the staff in your post, make sure to stick to what's already been stated and the NPC profiles/NPC list where available. A description etc. about the place can be found inside.

2 19 Feb 8 2005, 10:24 AM
In: Another day on the Job
By: Gryffin Elidorn

IC Forums :: Outside the Town
Forum Topics Replies Last Post Info
Closeby and Nowhere
The plateau of Terminus Excidetus is much larger than one would expect. This subforum contains every place that is somewhere between the other ones outside the town. So if you don't know where exactly to post, just post here and give an approximate description of where this place is, if you wish. On a side note: Most of the terrain is grassland...
1 0 Jan 22 2005, 01:22 AM
In: Welcome to Terminus Excidetus
By: Random NPC
Farms and Cottages
Around the Town, there is quite a number of farms with cornfields and meadows. After all, people need to eat! The farther away you get from the urban area, the less frequent you come across one of those places that sometimes even seem to form little villages.
1 7 Feb 14 2005, 08:31 PM
In: Nearby Farms
By: Random NPC
The World's End
Close to the southern cliff that -like every other side - no one is known to have ever been able to pass, there is a tavern/pub/inn where you are very likely to find one of the many adventurers trying to get further beyond the town's boundaries.
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The Rune Tree
Not far away from the World's End, there is a gnarled tree of about 12 feet height.
Mysterious symbols have been engraved into it, hence, the name. Magically inclinded persons uttered they felt strong mystic vibes from the direction of that tree...

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The Abyss
The Southern End of Terminus Excidetus. No matter how much you strain, there is no way of seeing the ground and a harsh wind makes any try to get beyond the cliff a not only pointless but also life-threatening attempt.
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The Forest
East to the Town and to the Mountain's feet, there are the woods which mostly consist of deciduous trees. You'd need about half a day, one if you are a slow walker to pass through them West to East and approximately four as an average walker to cross it from North to South... but the heart of the forest is dark and dangerous beasts seem to dwell there, so you had better accept a loop way through the sunlit parts then walking right through the center.
A middle-sized lake reaches from those more friendly areas you are likely to meet fishing people right into the dark.

2 1 Jan 22 2005, 12:18 AM
In: Letting Go
By: Ylandra
The Mountain
The Mountains - or the Mountain since it rather seems to be one large one - forms the North-Eastern End and - although steep and dangerous for inexperienced climbers - can actually be mounted. You need about about two days' travel to reach the peak (if you have some breaks which you will need) but no matter how good the weather, you will never be able to see more than vague shadows and forms beyond the plateau of Terminus since behind it (like at the end of the Sea and the Abyss), there is nothing and the higher you get, the wilder the winds become; thunderstorms are not rare as well, especially close to the top. Also, there are rumors that one or more wise hermits are living here...
1 0 Jan 22 2005, 01:33 AM
In: Night on a Cold Mountain
By: The Gatekeeper
The old Quai
Nobody knows what it is doing there, far off the settlement with nobody owning a boat even close to the Quai that is situated near the Mountain.
The mists that constantly hover about the end of it hazing the sight make the place even more mysterious...

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The Shores
The North-Western End is marked by what looks like an ordinary ocean but if you get out too far, you risk to simply fall over the edge into unknown depth.
You can an impression of what awaits you if you look down at the point where the Abyss and the Shores meet.

1 5 Jan 22 2005, 01:41 AM
In: Un desiderio all'estrem...
By: Ylandra
Fishermen's Settlement
Like a suburb of the Town, the Settlement is situated between the actual urban area and the shore. Being an experienced fisherman, it is not as risky as one would think to take a boat out on the Sea... you just have to know where strong currents are pulling everything down the Abyss.
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IC Forums :: The Underworld
Forum Topics Replies Last Post Info
The Gate
Steep and narrow steps carved into the stone lead to the gate to the underworld which is situated directly at the Abyss with only a small projection to stand on in front of it.
Made of dark-grayish granite and covered with runes, the portal towers with intimidating 30 feet in height over everyone daring to walk the dangerous path there.

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Tunnels and Hallways
You can find ancient, even nicely decorated passages with the ceiling so high you could not even see it using a good flashlight as well as narrow tunnels you would have to crouch through. It really is matter of interpretation whether having torches on the wall that grant some light is of advantage or not. Some have them, others do not - but the subbers see well in the dark anyway.
1 8 Feb 11 2005, 04:02 PM
In: A Crashlanding
By: Berek Silvermane
The Great Hall
A natural cave of incredible dimensions that the subbers use as a gathering place. An elevated area can be used for speeches or just growling commands. Depending on the time, decorations can be found here as well.
Every tunnel leads there - sooner or later - and you will never find the Hall unoccupied. Better be quiet in case those dwelling in the dark are in a bad mood.

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Administration Area
Forum Topics Replies Last Post Info
Every thread will be moved here so we can get all nostalgic and maudlin about the "good old times" later.
15 0 Jan 21 2005, 04:27 PM
In: Ko
By: Matt

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