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Welcome to Home Theater Talk. Pull up a chair and read the finest internet discussion on Home Theater you will find. We pride ourselves on being an "Advanced Enthusiast" site. You will learn, or perhaps teach, but one thing is will enjoy!

What makes us different?

The first thing you will notice is that we are not a huge site. We are not
the largest home theater bulletin board on the net. We believe we are,
the most comprehensive and focused.

Secondly, you will notice that everything here will be worthy of a read. We pride ourselves on our very HIGH signal-to-noise ratio. Not a lot of filler, just good brain food. We even have areas dedicated to do-it-yourself projects and tweaking your system to be the best it can be!

The third thing you will notice is the polite atmosphere, the more mature level of discussion, and the sense of family here. You can feel confident that your posts  will be dealt with in a respectful manner and that your questions will be answered quickly and correctly. We have manufacturers participating and answering questions directly. Industry professionals providing information on the very products they produce!

Fourth, we have info in stock! There are articles, cartoons, opinions and 'how to's' all over the place. Think of us as a kind of 'Home Theater

And last, but not least.... we laugh! Yes, we have a good time here. We
have many comedians and they will help entertain as well as inform you. We  are serious enthusiasts who don't take ourselves too seriously! SO what are you waiting for....come join in the fun.

I know you will enjoy Home Theater Talk.


Mike Knapp

This person is not a member here. From time to time we will publish images of people that are not members here. Pity them, or be thankful....your choice.