The Wayback Machine -

Promotional Items for the Health, Medical and Safety Industry


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Promotional Items for the Health, Medical and the Safety Industry

    It's amazing when you think about it, how many promotional products we use in our every day life. Promotional products and advertising specialty products surround us in our homes, and what better way for your company message to be displayed. Home and Health products have become one of the hottest promotional gifts in the industry. Not just logo pens and custom mouse pads anymore, health care products are some of the most appreciated business promotional gifts. Useful items such as first aid kits, pill boxes, bandage dispensers, emery boards, picture frames and flashlights are welcome gifts and legitimate advertising specialty items. Please look through the following pages and imagine your company logo or safety message imprinted on these products. This message will be seen numerous times daily. Your imprint on an advertising product is the longest lasting form of advertising, Radio, television and newspapers are very expensive, are not always seen by your target audience and last only for the moment. The products you see below can be used for months and even years by exactly who you want to reach. No wasted product or money. Only the satisfaction of giving a useful gift to your client or employee with your everlasting message imprinted crisply on it.

Spa Works

All Week Pill Box

Personal 1st Aid Kit

Emory Boards

Bandage Dispenser

Stress Testing Card

Tote Promotional Health Products

Compact Pill Box

Frostbrite Flashlight

1st Aid Kit

Frosted Picture Frame

Promotional Picture Photo Frames

More Personalized Promotional Items Gifts>

Please call Killer Promotions at 1-888-440-9529 and discuss the benefit of these promotional items with our helpful customer service representatives today. We meticulously follow up on your order from placement to delivery so you don't have to worry about it. We do our job well, so you can get back to doing what you do well!

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1 (888) 440-9529

We have over 400,000 promotional products and promotional items.


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Site contains information on:
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