Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
There are currently no EBR proposals for forest management in the Environmental Registry.
The Environmental Registry is a bulletin board of all the important proposals related to environmental decision-making by most Ontario government ministries. It gives you the information you need to participate in environmental decision-making. Search the Environmental Registry. [more about the EBR]
It is necessary to have Adobe's Acrobat Reader software to view some of the publications on the Ontario's Forests web site.
Large documents on this site may contain a series of multiple pdf files. To view multiply pdfs Acrobat Reader must open inside your browser window in order for the hypertext links to work.
See related items at the bottom of this page for details about how to view and print pdf documents and how to download the free Adobe Reader software.
This Web Site has been created as a public service by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Government of Ontario. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the currency and accuracy of the information presented at the Site. However, the Government of Ontario assumes no responsibility and Users of this Site should verify the information from other sources prior to making decisions or acting upon it.