Free link popularity check
We have a free link popularity check software program for you. If you want to find out how many web pages link to your site, download this software.
Link Popularity Check is a freeware program that checks the link popularity of your web site on several search engines and compares it to other web sites on the Internet.
You can quickly find out how many people link to your site, how many sites link to your competitors and how you compare to other sites.

Link Popularity Check is easy to use:
1. Enter the URL of your web site and the URLs of your competitors.
2. Click the "Update" button.
Link Popularity Check will check the status of these web sites. It's really easy and fast.
Download your free copy
Link Popularity check is a freeware program. That means that it doesn't cost you a single cent and that you can use it as long as you want.
Click here to download your
free copy of Link Popularity Check!