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To achieve these high rankings we utilize "on-page" optimization, and "off page" optimization.

On-Page Optimization

Keyword analysis, keyword density analysis, site structure, and other On Page Optimization techniques. We can do the work or offer you a step-by-step report.

Off-Page Optimization

"Who Links to You"
This is the largest factor to ranking high in places like Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Need Places to Link to You?

Link Building Services
We get relevant one way links on a continual basis.

Directory Submission Services
We submit your site to up to 60 Quality Web Directories.

Buy Text Link Advertisements
Links from Authority sites can be very beneficial.

Additional SEO Services

Press Releases
Your news means exposure and links. Don't miss out!

Internet Marketing Consulting
Report, phone or in-person consultation.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Consulting
We offer the best in the business for PPC Consulting.

Shopping Feed Submissions
Bizrate,, Froogle. Vertical marketing can help E-commerce sites.

Local Marketing
Targeting your local area can help bring in relevant clients.

Need SEO Content?
Targeted one of a kind search engine friendly content.

Need a New Website?

Website Templates
Fast and cost effective way to get a website. Choose from thousands of designs.

Simple Web Design Jobs
$500 website's.

Custom Website Design Services
$1500 non E-commerce

Sell Online using E-Commerce
$1500 and up E-commerce sites.

Our FREE Internet Marketing Tools

WBP Tool #9
Find Backlink domains, IP's and the age of a website.

Top Ten Rankings Analyzer
(Our own Tool #5)

Page Reporter
In depth website analysis tool.


Website Usability Analysis
Own an E-commerce website? Obtain a Website Usability Analysis to assist in understanding how to maximize your conversions.

Website Hosting Resources
Find a list of hosting companies to fit your needs.

Search Engine Resources
For those of you who are Search Engine Junkies.

Marketing Tools Store
Find the tools that the experts use.

Contact We Build Pages Today

Contact Us

Ph: 518-270-0854

Fax: 866-303-8266

To quote Google from this page, "...the best way to improve your position in results is to have relevant content and multiple links from other web sites"

Online Advertising involves Search Engines and Links
Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN, rely on links very heavily in formulating who ranks at the top of search results. The type of links that they rely on the most are "Who Links To Your Site". The more sites that link To Your Site, the more "Votes" your site has in the eyes of the Search Engines, and thus, the better chances you have of ranking higher in those search engines.

Most of the top sites for competitive keyword phrases
have lots of other sites linking to their site.

How this works
Search Engines have programs called "Spiders" that surf the web going from link to link. Each time they come across a web page by following a link, information is collected to be used in it's ranking formula. Sites that link to you are analyzed for many factors. Below we've listed a few of those factors.

How powerful is the site linking to you?
A Powerful site is usually one that has Many sites linking to Them.

  • If a page on another site is linking to you, and that site has 5 people linking to them, then you get a "small vote".
  • If another site is linking to you, and that site has 1000 other sites linking to them, then you would get a much more powerful "Vote" because their site is very powerful.

The words that link to your site.
Good Online Advertising Agencies try to get sites to use relevant keywords in links linking to your site.

  • If a page is linking to you with the words "XYZ Company" than the Search Engines would assume your site is about "XYZ Company".
  • If a page is linking to your site with the words "Good Widgets" then the Search Engine would assume your sites is about "Good Widgets", and the site would have a better chance of ranking higher for "Good Widgets" if someone searched for that.

Internet Advertising for Search Engines also involves relations between the site linking to you.
Good online advertising tactics involve trying to get sites that are related to your site to link to you.

  • If you sell "Garden Widgets" and a site about "Online Gambling" links to you, you're not scoring much on the Relevance Charts.
  • If you sell "Garden Widgets", and a site about about "Garden Things" links to you, you're scoring a lot of "Relevance", and may rank higher in the search engines for that phrase.

Who do YOU link TO, and what are those sites about? More Online Advertising Tips.
This is an often overlooked aspect, but one that can give an edge in any Online Internet Advertising Campaign. Don't be afraid to link to other online related resources. Sites that don't link out are thought of as "Dead End Sites", and tend not to rank as high as sites that link out to good industry resources. Having a "Dead End Site" or not linking out to related sites may not help your online advertising any, but linking out to related sites can help your site to be viewed of as in a good "Linking Neighborhood" and can help your internet advertising for search engines greatly.

Having internet advertising on related sites is one of the best and safest ways of helping your site to achieve top rankings. On the other side, working with link farms, bad link trading campaigns, or blatant mega advertising on totally non relevant sites for the sole purpose of increasing your Google PageRank is a great way to get your site "in trouble" or worse yet, get "banned" for trying to manipulate search results.

Internet Advertising is a Full-Time Job
Though we listed many major factors as to how search engines rank web sites, there are many, many, more factors. Search Engines also have a habit of changing thier formula every now and then, so techniques for top rankings must constantly evolve. Internet Marketing and Online Advertising are extremely time-consuming, and ever changing. If you can't perform this task full-time, we recommend hiring an Online Advertising Agency or Internet Marketing Company whom specializes in this type of work.

We Specialize in this type of work
Our Internet Advertising and Online Advertising centers around getting Powerful, and Relevant links for our clients. Once we've done a websites' optimization, then getting related links to a site is 95% of the Internet Advertising work. The work for obtaining links is never done. If we stop getting links to a site, the links get stale, and your competitors may pass you.

What our Online Advertising and Marketing for Search Engines Involve

  • We research your online industry.
  • We will perform On-Page Search Engine Optimization.
  • We can create relevant content resource pages for your industry. From 1 to several hundred pages on your site.
  • We submit your site to major Directories.
  • We seek out, and contact other sites in related fields (but not direct competitors) for links.
  • We work with many sites ourselves, and will link where appropriate to other related sites.
  • We also work with several other webmasters whom are willing to give and get relevant advertising. (If you're a webmaster or you practice SEO on sites, send us your URL's, we can help you find relevant links - let's help each other).
  • We will be asking you to update the site with good new content on a continual basis (as much as you can, as often as you can - plus, Search Engines Love new pages). Here is where you can help us, and you, the most. Content is King - Keep it coming. Sites that become a resource are easier to get links to. Become a Resource as well. We'll help you.
  • More details on this service can be found here.




View our homepage for information on our Online Marketing and Internet Marketing Services.

SEO Services:
On Page SEO Services
- Text Link Advertising - Our Link Popularity Style - Web Directories - Buy Text Links - Press Releases

Website Design:
Website Design Services
- Website Templates - Express Design - Premium Design - Sell Online - Website Designers Directory

Website Usability Analysis - Search Engine Resources - Marketing Store - Website Hosting Resources

SEO Free Tools Built by We Build Pages:
WBP Tool #5
- WBP Tool #9 - Page Reporter - One Way Link Verify - More SEO Tools

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