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What should I consider when choosing my domain name?

  • &

  • To protect your online identity first and foremost you should register www.<yourtradingname> . If it is not available you may wish to register an abbreviation of your trading name, add a prefix or a suffix, or include a hyphen (-). You may also wish to consider registering additional domain names that reflect your brands, products, services, venue, events, activities, professions, and/or trademarks. If you have a brand name that is commonly misspelt it is recommended that you also register the misspelling as a domain name and redirect it to your main website.

  • .com

  • .com domain names may be registered by any individual or organisation anywhere in the world as they are unrestricted. Therefore, should your preferred domain name be available in the .com domain name space it would be wise to secure it as soon as practicable while it is still available.

  • Should I register .com or ?

  • If you provide products or services to the Australian community is recommended as it indicates that you are an Australian organisation and more so, an Australian registered trading entity. The .com domain name extension, being one of the original domain name extensions, gives the impression that your business has been around for a while and has a well established presence on the web. It is a matter of personal choice depending on what you wish to achieve. However, in an attempt to protect commercial branding it is recommended that where possible all Australian businesses secure the, and .com versions of their company and/or trading name together with the names of their major products and services.


  • You may register your personal name, your initials or any derivative of your personal name. You also have the option of registering your nickname in the domain name space.


  • Register the name of your charity or non-profit organisation in the domain name space. If it is not available you may wish to register an abbreviation , add a prefix or a suffix, or include a hyphen (-). You may also wish to consider registering additional domain names that reflect your services, programs, venues, events, activities, or the profession that the registrant members practice.

    Which domain names can I register?

  • .com, .net, .org, .info, and .biz

  • .com, .net, .org, .info and .biz domain names can be registered by any organisation or individual anywhere in the world.

  • and/or

  • To be eligible for a or domain name, registrants must be:
    - an Australian registered company; or
    - trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or
    - an Australian partnership or sole trader; or
    - a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or
    - an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
    - an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark 1 ; or
    - an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
    - an Australian commercial statutory body.


  • To be eligible for a domain name, registrants must be:
    - a charity operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant's constitution or other documents of incorporation; or
    - a non-profit organisation operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant's constitution or other documents of incorporation.


  • To be eligible for a domain name in the 2LD, registrants must be:
    - an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
    - a political party registered with the Australian Electoral Commission; or
    - a trade union or other organisation registered under the Workplace Relations Act 1996; or
    - a sporting or special interest club operating in Australia.


  • To be eligible for an domain name, registrants must be:
    - an Australian citizen; or
    - an Australian resident.

    How do I find out if a .domain name is available? How do I register a domain name ?
    You may search the availability of your preferred domain name/s and submit your registration request/s by accessing our Domain Name Search And Registration page.



    Search results will be displayed and you will have the option to proceed to registration.

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    Registration of Australian and International Domain Names

    Domain Name licences are issued for a two year term with the option to renew.

    Official Certificates of registration issued.

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    All fees noted on this website are quoted in Australian dollars.

    No hidden costs
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