HERMES (HUR-meez; Roman name
Mercury) was the messenger of the gods and guide of dead souls to
the Underworld. A prankster and inventive genius from birth, Hermes
aided the heroes Odysseus and Perseus in their quests.
Hermes was the son Zeus and a mountain nymph. As a newborn he was
remarkably precocious. On his very first day of life, he found the
empty shell of a tortoise and perceived its utility as a sounding
chamber. Stringing sinews across it, he created the first lyre.
Hermes was known for his helpfulness to mankind,
both in his capacity as immortal herald and on his own initiative.
When Perseus set out to face the Gorgon Medusa, Hermes aided him
in the quest. According to one version of the myth, he loaned the
hero his own magic sandals, which conferred upon the wearer the
ability to fly.
Some say that Hermes loaned Perseus a helmet
of invisibility as well. Also known as the helmet of darkness, this
was the same headgear that Hermes himself had worn when he vanquished
the giant Hippolytus. This was on the occasion when the gargantuan
sons of Earth rose up in revolt against the gods of Olympus.
Hermes' symbol of office as divine messenger
was his staff, or caduceus. This was originally a willow wand with
entwined ribbons, traditional badge of the herald. But the ribbons
were eventually depicted as snakes. To support this mythologically,
a story evolved that Hermes used the caduceus to separate two fighting
snakes which forthwith twined themselves together in peace.
It was Hermes' job to convey dead souls
to the Underworld. And as patron of travelers, he was often shown
in a wide-brimmed sun hat of straw. Hermes was known to the Romans
as Mercury. His most famous depiction, a statue by Bellini, shows
him alight on one foot, wings at his heels, the snaky caduceus in
hand and, on his head, a rather stylized combination helmet-of-darkness
and sun hat.
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