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Bears Menu

Be sure to check out our new
Elvis Bears and Thomas Kinkade Bears.

American States Coin Bears These bears are created new and different each time new statehood quarters are released.  The quarters are attached. Released, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2004 - 30 bears
1999 & 2000 bears have been retired - buy while supplies last

American States Bear Cases

Coming Soon - reserve yours now! Collections stay in mint condition with American Statehood Bears mounted in protective cases.  Stackable cases hold five bears each.  You may also use for Elvis, Kinkade and Lucy bears.
Christmas Stockings
On Sale - $7.95
Introducing ....
Christmas Stockings with artwork by  Thomas Kinkade.  Also Elvis and Lucy stockings.  On Sale - $7.95
Elvis Collectible Bears Introducing ....
Collectible bears with artwork commemorating one of the most popular musical artist of our time. 
Save on a package of 11  bears
See the New Elvis Throws
I Love Lucy Collectible Bear  Introducing ....
Collectible bears with artwork commemorating one of the most comediennes of our time. 
Special $8.95
Reagan Collectible Bear This bear is created to commemorate the life of President Ronald Reagan SPECIAL!
Thomas Kinkade Bears Collectible bears with artwork by the most successful and most collected living artist in U.S. history, Thomas Kinkade. 
See Special Offer on 12-Bear package!



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