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TMJ and Clenching/Bruxing

TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint Dysfunction) can have multiple symptoms and recovery can be difficult. With TMJ you can have limited jaw opening, jaw pain, headaches, even ear pain. Your dentist may have also noticed excessive tooth wear caused by conscious and unconscious bruxing (clenching) behavior.

Traditional methods of splints, surgery and/or medication will have limited benefits unless you stop your bruxing habit.

Chronic tension of the jaw muscles and grinding of the teeth jaw can lead to damage and dysfunction in the jaw joint, pain and difficulty eating. Night guards can be helpful in preventing future tooth damage but they don't necessarily stop jaw joint damage or change your grinding behaviors.

To stop the deterioration of your jaw joint
and tooth wear you must first stop the habit of bruxing.

It is imperative to stop bruxing to stop the progress of damage to the jaw muscles and joints. Many people don't realize how much they brux and feel powerless to stop. Bruxing occurs during the day and also at night. We have seen many successes in our biofeedback practices where people were able to stop bruxing during the day and stop the progression of damage as well as obtain relief from pain and other TMJ symptoms. It is also possible to learn how to stop bruxing at night, which is not easy. As you and anyone who sleeps with you knows, sometimes the night time bruxing is so loud others are woken up by the sound of grinding teeth!

First stop bruxing during the day.

We recommend a two part approach to the problem of learning how to stop your bruxing habit. The first part teaches how to break the bruxing habit during the day and the night. We teach a class called Stop Bruxing Now based upon the behavioral principles of change and this class teaches specifically how to stop bruxing during the day.

You can purchase this class alone or take it for free
when you purchase the Antense muscle tension monitor

The Antense muscle tension monitor gives feedback about how tense your jaw and face muscles are. It has been our experience that with chronic bruxing and clenching that the face muscles show evidence of chronic tension and to not easily or quickly relax. In fact, it can take several weeks to train the muscles how to relax down to normal. Our course is designed to teach you step by step methods to return your jaw muscle tension to normal thereby reducing pain and training yourself to stop bruxing.

The Next Step is Yours...

Changing your chronic habits doesn't occur without first becoming aware of what you are doing and then focusing your attention on creating new behaviors. It is quite possible to stop bruxing and heal much of the damage caused by TMJ and bruxing. The best approach is to train your mind and body consciously during the day to stop bruxing and with practice this new habit and focused awareness will learn how to stop bruxing during the night.

Articles and class content contained in LifeMatters are educational in nature and not intended for and should not be interpreted as medical advice or psychotherapy.
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