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To achieve these high rankings we utilize "on-page" optimization, and "off page" optimization.

On-Page Optimization

Keyword analysis, keyword density analysis, site structure, and other On Page Optimization techniques. We can do the work or offer you a step-by-step report.

Off-Page Optimization

"Who Links to You"
This is the largest factor to ranking high in places like Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Need Places to Link to You?

Link Building Services
We get relevant one way links on a continual basis.

Directory Submission Services
We submit your site to up to 60 Quality Web Directories.

Buy Text Link Advertisements
Links from Authority sites can be very beneficial.

Additional SEO Services

Press Releases
Your news means exposure and links. Don't miss out!

Internet Marketing Consulting
Report, phone or in-person consultation.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Consulting
We offer the best in the business for PPC Consulting.

Shopping Feed Submissions
Bizrate,, Froogle. Vertical marketing can help E-commerce sites.

Local Marketing
Targeting your local area can help bring in relevant clients.

Need SEO Content?
Targeted one of a kind search engine friendly content.

Need a New Website?

Website Templates
Fast and cost effective way to get a website. Choose from thousands of designs.

Simple Web Design Jobs
$500 website's.

Custom Website Design Services
$1500 non E-commerce

Sell Online using E-Commerce
$1500 and up E-commerce sites.

Our FREE Internet Marketing Tools

WBP Tool #9
Find Backlink domains, IP's and the age of a website.

Top Ten Rankings Analyzer
(Our own Tool #5)

Page Reporter
In depth website analysis tool.


Website Usability Analysis
Own an E-commerce website? Obtain a Website Usability Analysis to assist in understanding how to maximize your conversions.

Website Hosting Resources
Find a list of hosting companies to fit your needs.

Search Engine Resources
For those of you who are Search Engine Junkies.

Marketing Tools Store
Find the tools that the experts use.

Contact We Build Pages Today

Contact Us

Ph: 518-270-0854

Fax: 866-303-8266

We Build Pages offers Website Usability Analysis Reports by Emma Kane

Online Marketing Consulting
Emma Kane specializes in online marketing with a focus on new customer acquisition and existing customer retention. With extensive ecommerce experience both as an internal and external consultant, including, Emma can work with you to develop your customer base and optimize your online spending.


Ecommerce site review and optimization
Is your website working well for you? Could you improve site conversion or your checkout process? Emma can work with you to improve customer communication, you online marketing strategy and your site conversion.

A first step is an in depth site analysis of your site, examining the site in detail, looking at spending and ROI on online marketing, benchmarking the usability of the site, and using either raw log data or your own site monitoring tools to analyze all key pages of a site. This analysis can help identify flawed checkout design, problem landing pages, navigation and usability issues, and even help tailor your product range to match customer expectations. This work also leads into SEO, ensuring your site is accessible to search engines as well as customers. A final report pulls all the analysis and recommendations into one document, which will also help refine the site goals and strategy moving forward.

Search engine positioning is ever more key to website success as more and more people find products and services through search engines. In conjuction with We Build Pages Emma will identify and rectify immediate problem areas to improve your visibility and ranking as well as work with you to develop a long term search engine marketing strategy.

Web statistics analysis and data mining
The server logs that already exist on your website can tell us a lot about who visits your site, where they find your site, how long they stay, what pages they visit and why they leave. Accessing and interpreting this information is key to understanding how your visitors interact with your site, and where and how site improvements can be made.

Online customer acquisition and retention strategies
Acquiring and retaining good customers is central to the success of any ecommerce site. Emma can advise on and develop strategies for success and continued growth, including reawakening "sleeping" customers, growing your customer base, and ensuring effective customer communication.

Usability studies
If your site is difficult to use or navigate you could be losing visitors or customers. Emma can help you to optimize your site so your visitors find what they are looking for and revisit time after time, rather than leaving frustrated at a bad user experience.

About Emma Kane

An internet user since 1993 and a full time internet consultant since 1995 she's seen the internet grow from something which no one had heard of, to the network almost everyone uses everyday.

Emma's spent ten years in internet research, ecommerce, online marketing and business development including a year at Amazon, so she knows her way around regulations as it relates to ecommerce and the data protection act as well as having much technical and marketing knowledge and experience developed over her many years in this industry.

With years of hands-on technical experience Emma is proficient in explaining technical issues in plain English and finding the right technological solution for your business needs. Emma's marketing and business development background ensures in undstanding the commercial needs of your business, and can help you balance these against marketing requirements and technical constraints.

Emma resides in Oxfordshire England, however, due to the nature of the internet, it is possible to offer her site analysis consulting services remotely.

Past Experience

1995-1999 New Media Internet Analyst

1999-1999 Advantage@the Edge (Company now defunct) Online Consultant

1999-2001 (Ecommerce dotcom now defunct) Business Development Manager

2000-2001 Business Development Manager

2001-2004 MTV Networks Europe Online Business Consultant

September 2004 - Freelance Ecommerce Consultant

January 2005 to Present - We Build Pages Ecommerce Website Usability Consultant for company and clients.

Prices and Solutions

We will then tailor the daily rate to take account of the size of your site, and can do an initial site assessment in less than a day on smaller sites. If you have a specific problem or request which she need to read up on to help you, then the learning is done on our time, the implementation on yours.

Costs - $200 per hour

Small Business Consulting - 5 hours $1000

Medium Business Consulting - 10 hours: $1800

Large Business Consulting - Contact us for an estimate.


Contact for more information on any aspect of Website Usability services or for an informal discussion about your online business, and any current issues you may have, and she'll tell you how she, and the team at We Build Pages can help.



View our homepage for information on our Online Marketing and Internet Marketing Services.

SEO Services:
On Page SEO Services
- Text Link Advertising - Our Link Popularity Style - Web Directories - Buy Text Links - Press Releases

Website Design:
Website Design Services
- Website Templates - Express Design - Premium Design - Sell Online - Website Designers Directory

Website Usability Analysis - Search Engine Resources - Marketing Store -Website Hosting Resources

SEO Free Tools Built by We Build Pages:
WBP Tool #5
- WBP Tool #9 - Page Reporter - One Way Link Verify - More SEO Tools

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Copyright © 1998 - 2005 -Jim Boykin and We Build Pages - Internet Marketing and SEO Services