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Bad Software: A Consumer Protection Guide.

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Bad Software is a book by Cem Kaner and David L. Pels about getting your money's worth when you buy computer software. We wrote it to help you get a refund, support, or compensation for significant losses caused by defective software. Bad Software will help you explore your legal rights. We spend more pages on negotiating with publishers than suing them, but if they won't play fair, you don't have to put up with it. TO ORDER THE BOOK, CLICK HERE.

THIS WEB SITE is a gathering point for information about software consumer protection. For example:

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The articles at this web site are not legal advice. They do not establish a lawyer/client relationship between me and you. I took care to ensure that they were well researched at the time that I wrote them, but the law changes quickly. By the time you read this material, it may be out of date. Also, the laws of the different States are not the same. These discussions might not apply to your circumstances. Please do not take legal action on the basis of what you read here without consulting your own attorney.
Please direct questions or problems regarding this web site to Cem Kaner, Professor, Department of Computer Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, 150 West University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901-6975.
Last modified:  September 16, 2000. Copyright © 1997-2000, Cem Kaner. All rights reserved.