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Online Information Technology Degrees
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Graphic Designer
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Information Technology
MBA - Masters Programs
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Nursing - RN to BSN
Paralegal - Law Degrees
Psychology Programs
Real Estate School
Teaching - Teachers (CTE)
US Military
Web Development

Advertising Universities
Arts & Design
Auto Mechanic
AutoCAD & Drafting
Aviation Mechanic
Business Schools
Computer Programming
Continuing Education
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Culinary & Cooking
Dental Office Assistant
Diesel Mechanic Training
English (ESL) College
Engineering Courses
Fashion Design
Fashion Merchandising
Film & Photography
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Gunsmithing Training
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Health Claims Specialist
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Video Game Art
Webmaster Certification

Program Offerings: Online business degree programs and certificate programs in information technology, business communications, computer information systems, support specialist, network security, computer applications, computer programming, network administration, database management, and more.

Information Technology Degrees

Job Highlights for Information Technology
  Projected job growth in information technology stems primarily from rapid growth among computer-related occupations.
 Employers prefer managers with advanced technical knowledge acquired through computer-related work experience and formal education.
 Job opportunities should be best for applicants with a master's degree in business administration with technology as a core component.

Information Technology
The need for organizations to incorporate existing and future technologies in order to remain competitive has become a more pressing issue over the last several years. As electronic commerce becomes more common, how and when companies use information technology are critical issues. Computer and information systems managers play a vital role in the technological direction of their organizations. They do everything from constructing the business plan to overseeing network and Internet operations.

Computer and information systems managers plan, coordinate, and direct research and design the computer-related activities of firms. They determine technical goals in consultation with top management, and make detailed plans for the accomplishment of these goals. For example, working with their staff, they may develop the overall concepts of a new product or identify computer-related problems standing in the way of project completion.

Computer and information technology systems managers direct the work of systems analysts, computer programmers, support specialists, and other computer-related workers. These managers plan and coordinate activities such as the installation and upgrading of hardware and software, programming and systems design, the development of computer networks, and the implementation of Internet and intranet sites. They are increasingly involved with the upkeep and maintenance of networks. They analyze the computer and information needs of their organization and determine personnel and equipment requirements. They assign and review the work of their subordinates, and stay abreast of the latest technology in order to purchase necessary equipment. IT managers must continue there education and many are choosing the convenience of online continuing education course to keep fresh.

Network or computer systems administrators design, install, and support an organization's LAN, WAN, network segment, Internet, or Intranet system. They provide day-to-day onsite administrative support for software users in a variety of work environments, including professional offices, small businesses, government, and large corporations. They maintain network hardware and software, analyze problems, and monitor the network to ensure availability to system users. These workers gather data to identify customer needs and then use that information to identify, interpret, and evaluate system and network requirements. Administrators also may plan, coordinate, and implement network security measures.

Systems administrators are the information technology employees responsible for the efficient use of networks by organizations. They ensure that the design of an organization's computer site allows all the components, including computers, the network, and software, to fit together and work properly. Furthermore, they monitor and adjust performance of existing networks and continually survey the current computer site to determine future network needs. Administrators also troubleshoot problems as reported by users and automated network monitoring systems and make recommendations for enhancements in the construction of future servers and networks.

In some organizations, computer security specialists may plan, coordinate, and implement the organization's information security. These and other growing specialty occupations reflect the increasing emphasis on client-server applications, the expansion of Internet and Intranet applications, and the demand for more end-user support.

Management of information systems (MIS) directors manage information systems and computing resources for entire organizations. They also work under the chief information officer and deal directly with lower-level information technology employees. These managers oversee a variety of user services such as an organization's help desk, which employees can call with questions or problems. MIS directors may also make hardware and software upgrade recommendations based on their experience with an organization's technology.

Computer and information system managers need strong communication skills. They coordinate the activities of their unit with those of other units or organizations. They confer with top executives; financial, production, marketing, and other managers; and contractors and equipment and materials suppliers.

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Online Programs Here
Aakers Business College offers an online Associates degree in Computer Networking.
AIU Online
Earn Your Degree Fast! Our accelerated associate's, bachelor's and master's degree programs allow you to earn your degree quickly in Information Technology.
Ashworth College Online offers an Associate Degree in Computer Information Management.
Our bachelors and masters IS programs give you a complete understanding of how computer information systems are used in modern business settings.
Baker College Online
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems.
Boston University Online offers a Master of Science Degree in
Computer Information and a concentration in System Security, Database and Knowledge Management. .
Capella University Online college is accepting students from throughout the United States offering Computer, and Network Technology curricula.
ITT Technical Institute online offers a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems Security, Business Administration and Technical Project Management.
Kaplan College
Online IT Degree Programs
Kennedy-Western University
Online Computer Science - Technology - Undergraduate - Graduate - Doctorate
Computer Information Management
Stratford Career Institute
Internet Specialist Program
Thomson Education Direct
Offering the following online - home study degree programs: Associate of Applied Computer Science Degree - Internet Technology with Option in E-Commerce Administration - Internet Technology with Option in Multimedia and Design - Internet Technology with Option in Web Programming Accepts Students Worldwide
University of Phoenix Online
Bachelor & MBA Degree Information Technology.

Search for 200+ IT School Campuses using a map of the US and Canada.

Campus Programs Here

Aakers Business College has campuses in Bismark and Fargo, ND offering an Associates degree in Computer networking.
ACT has (3) locations in Atlanta, and Riverdale GA., and Jacksonville FL., offering, Computer, and Network Technology courses.
Akron Institute is located in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio offering, Computer Networking Technology, and Office Professional curricula.
ATA Career Education is located in Louisville, Kentucky, offering Microsoft Certified System Engineer programs.
ATI - Career Training Center is located in Hurst and Dallas, Texas offering, Information Technology & Network Administration, Graphic Design, and Electronics & Computer Repair courses.
ATI Career Training Center has (2) locations in Miami, and Fort Lauderdale, FL., offering Information Technology & Network Administration degrees.
Allied Medical & Technical Institute is located in Wayne, New Jersey offering, Network Engineering Specialist, PC Network Support, and Software Applications Specialist programs.
Bauder College is located in Atlanta, Georgia, offering Information Technology curricula.
Berks Technical Institute is located in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, offering Computer Programming, and Internet Network Engineering degrees.
Blair College is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado offering Computer Information Science and Computer Information Systems degrees.
Border Institute of Technology is located in El Paso, Texas, offering Hands-On PC Technology, Microcomputer Application, Network Security, Network Technologies, and Web Design programs.
Boston University has (6) locations in Cambridge, Tyntsboro, Waltham, Braintree, Boston, MA., offering Microsoft.Net, Microsoft Exchange Server, and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer programs.
Bradford School - Columbus Located in Columbus, Ohio, offering Graphic Design, Network Management, and Computer Programming degrees.
Bradley Academy of Arts is located in York, Pennsylvania, offering Graphic Design, Computer, Web Technician, and Web Design curricula.
Branford Hall Career Institute has (5) locations in Bohemia, NY., Branford, Southington, and Windsor CT., and Springfield, MA., offering Computerized Office Technology, Database Management, and Electronics & computer Repair, curricula.
Brookdale Community College offers Microsoft(MSCA, MSCE, MCP, MCDBA, MCAD, MCAD.NET, MSCD, MOS), Cisco(CNNA, CCDA, CCNP), Linux+, Security+, Oracle, Java, CIW, A+, IT Management, and Sun System Administrator certifications.
Brown Mackie College is located in Garland, Texas offering Computer Software Application curricula.
Bryan College has (2) campuses located in Springfield, Missouri and Topeka Kansas offering Computer programming and Computer Network Specialist curricula.
Cambridge College is located in Aurora, Colorado and offers Computer Network & Security degrees.
Canadian Business College is located in Toronto, Ontario offering Database Administrator, Internet Java Developer, Microsoft Certified Solution Developer/Engineer, and Oracle Developer courses.
Business Informatics Center is located in Valley Stream, New York offering Computer Operation, and Office Professional curricula.
Career Centers of Texas has (4) locations in Brownsville, Corpus Christi, El Paso and Ft. Worth, TX., offering Computer Business Systems curricula.
Career Education Institute has (6) campuses located in Brockton, Lowell, and Somerville MA., and Marietta, and Norcross, GA., and Henderson NV., offering Network System Administrator, and PC Support Technician courses.
CDI College has (35) campuses located throughout the U.S. offering IT, Network & Internet Security Specialist, and Internet Solution Developer Courses.
CDM Institute has (2) campuses located in Mt Laurel and Wayne New Jersey offering Computer and Drafting curricula.
Center for Certification and Adult Learning is located in Pittsburgh, PA offering, E-Commerce/ Web Design, Microsoft Network Professional (MCSE), Microsoft Network Professional Plus (MCSE/A+), and Network Security Analyst programs.
Central Pennsylvania College is located in Summerdale, Pennsylvania, offering Computer Information Systems curricula.
Chaparral College is located in Tucson, Arizona offering Computer Networking and Software Application courses.
CHI Institute has (2) locations in Broomall and Southhampton, Pennsylvania offering Computer Engineering Technology, Computer Networking, and Computer Programming courses.
The Chubb Institute (9) Campuses: Alpharetta, GA - Chicago, IL - New York, NY - Reston, VA - Villa Park, IL - Westbury, NY - Cherry Hill, NJ - Springfield, PA - Jersey City, NJ - North Brunswick, NJ - Parsippany, NJ Offering Oracle DBA - Java Programming - .NET Programming - and Network Security Systems.
City College is located in Miami, Florida offering Computer Engineering Technology curricula.
Clark University Computer Career Institute is located in Braintree, MA offering Computer Skills Curricula.
CLN is located in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania offering Computer Networking and Computer Programming degrees.
CLN is located in Altoona, Pennsylvania, offering Computer Networking and Computer Programming degrees.
Coleman College has (2) location in La Mesa, and San Marcos, CA., offering computer skills Curriculums.
Computer Career Institute at Johns Hopkins University is located in Baltimore, Maryland offering Computer, and PC & Network Administration courses.
College America has (12) campuses in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho and Utah offering computer networking and programming programs. Computer - Networking - Programming.
Daymar College is located in Louisville, Kentucky offering Computer Network Administration courses.

Dover Business College has (2) campuses in Dover and Paramus, New Jersey offering Computer Information Specialist.
Draughons Junior College has (5) campuses in Bowling Green and Hopkinsville KY., and Clarksville, Murfreesboro, and Nashville TN., offering Computer Information, Technology and Microsoft Support Engineer degrees.
Duffs Business Institute is located in Pittsburgh, PA offering the following curriculums: Computer Operator-Diploma, and Network Administration-Diploma.
Eagle Gate College is located in Murray, Utah, offering Computer courses.
ECPI has (6) campuses in Charlotte, Greensboro, and Raleigh NC., and Greenville SC., and Newport News, Virginia Beach, VA., offering computer courses.
Edutech Centers has (2) campuses located in Brandon and Clearwater, FL., they offer Computer Networking (MCSA) courses.
Empire College is located in Santa Rosa, CA offering Computer Information Technology courses.
Everest College is located in Phoenix, Arizona offering computer courses.
Florida Career Institute is located in Lakeland, FL offering Digital Technology, and computer related programs.
Florida Technical College has (4) campuses located in Auburndale, Deland, Jacksonville, and Orlando Florida, offering Computer, Web Design, and Graphic Design curricula.
FMU has (10) campuses located in Brandon, Clearwater, Jacksonville, Melbourne, N. Orlando, S. Orlando, Tampa, Orange Park and Pompano Beach, FL., offering Computer Information Science courses.
Foundation College is located in San Diego, California offering Computer curricula.
Fountainhead College of Technology Located in Knoxville, Tennessee, offering Computer and Electronics curricula.
Gwinnett College is located in Lilburn, Georgia offering Computer curricula.
Heald College (11) Campuses in Concord, Fresno, Hayward, Rancho Cordova, Roseville, Salinas, San Francisco, San Jose and Stockton CA; Portland OR; and Honolulu, HI offering networking, Microsoft, Cisco, software, tech support and web certificates and degrees.
Keiser College has 10 campuses in Florida offering Associates Degrees in Computer Networking and Security Management and Computer Graphics and Design.
Mt. Sierra College is located in Monrovia, CA offering Information Technology degree programs.
New England Technical Institute in New Britain, CT., teaches Information Technology
ITT Technical Institute over 70 locations nationwide offering Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology
Pittsburgh Technical Institute is located in Oakdale, PA and offers Associate's Degrees in Network Administration and Network Security and Computer Forensics.
Pioneer Pacific College has (3) schools that teach Information Technology and Networking Technology in Clackamas, Eugene and Wilsonville, Oregon.
Rasmussen College has (4) campuses Eagan, Mankato, Minnetonka, and St. Cloud MN offering an Associates Degree in Information Systems.
Valencia Institute offers Microsoft(MSCA, MSCE, MCP, MCDBA, MCAD, MCAD.NET, MSCD, MOS), Cisco(CNNA, CCDA, CCNP), Linux+, Security+, Oracle, Java, CIW, A+, and IT Management certifications.
University of Louisville offers (MSCA, MSCE, MCP, MCDBA, MCAD, MCAD.NET, MSCD, MOS), Cisco(CNNA, CCDA, CCNP), Linux+, Security+, Oracle, Java, CIW, A+, and IT Management certifications.
Westwood College has 14 campuses that teach information technology.

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Computer Science
Microsoft Engineering

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