The Wayback Machine -
Oceania Voyage
The images on this Web site were taken during
an Oceania voyage
which followed the route of Captain James Cook.
Young women of Rurutu in the Austral Group
weave mats from pandanus leaves.
The long stiff leaves are cut from the tree,
dried, soaked in sea water,
dried again, then cut into long strips of
A large Fijian kava bowl.
A mother and daughter at home in
Left: The canoe still remains one of the
main forms of transportation throughout the Pacific Islands.
Right: The volcanic cliffs of Fatu Hiva
plunge into Hanavave Bay, Marquesas Islands.
Two beauties from the Cook Islands.
A large wooden carving which
decorated the stern of an Austral Islands canoe.
In Hawaii, a large statue of Lono stands twice
human size in an ancient
sacred place of refuge for breakers of tabu, or
anyone else in danger of death.
Postcards and Picture Galleries from
Jane's Oceania Home
Micronesia Home Page
Jane's Pacific Islands Radio (33K)
Jane's Pacific Islands Radio (28K)
Pacific Islands Radio Stations
(E-mail: -- Rev.
12th October 2002)