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P.O. Box 230040, Las Vegas, NV 89123-0011

The Las Vegas Weekly began life as a monthly, SCOPE Magazine, in April 1992 - the valley's original arts, culture and lifestyle publication. The name may be different, but our mission remains the same.

In the mood for live music or spoken-word readings? Check out our fully-searchable Calendar. Hungry for some good falafel? Savor our restaurant guide. Want interesting stuff to look at? Scrutinize our extensive coverage of the current cinema. Need music to accompany your Vegas roadtrip? Visit sounds to explore the local and national soundscape.

Unique feature stories. Fashion. Humor. Politics. Quirky comics. It's all yours to be had in the Las Vegas Weekly. Enjoy!

General Information

Las Vegas Weekly is the arts and culture journal that the Las Vegas resident relies on. This town is full of real people who want culture that's not wrapped in sequins, and Las Vegas Weekly is the authoritative voice of that culture.

We hope you'll pick up a printed issue of Las Vegas Weekly the next time you visit. Enjoy Las Vegas Weekly!

RadiantCity Publications.LLC

All content is copyright © Radiant City Publications LLC, 2290 Corporate Circle Dr., Suite 250, Henderson, NV 89074. Las Vegas Weekly (formerly known as SCOPE) was founded in 1991 and is distributed throughout Southern Nevada every Thursday. Readers are permitted one free copy per issue; additional copies are $2. Circulation: 60,000; est. readership: 195,000. Subscriptions (US First Class): $40/24 issues; current issue $2; available back issues $3.

Reproduction or use in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Las Vegas Weekly and its publisher assume no responsibility for advertiser claims. Information is obtained from reliable sources, but it cannot be guaranteed. Opinions represented are those of the individual writers unless otherwise stated.

For editorial guidelines, send a SASE or email us!

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