The Wayback Machine -
Hawaii Historical Images 1

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Making pandanus mats on the island of Hawaii, 1936.

A sugar cane flume, Kukuihaele, Hawaii, 1932.


Palms at Hookena, Hawaii, 1936.

Sugar cane cutting on the island of Hawaii, 1932.

The lava flow of 1886 on the island of Hawaii.

The volcano Mauna Kea from the Parker Ranch, Hawaii, 1932.

The edge of the 1907 lava flow on the island of Hawaii.

Bird Park, Kilauea, Hawaii.

Chain of Craters Road, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii.

Crater of Kilauea, Hawaii.

Dodder at Waiohinu, Hawaii, 1936.

Hawaii Hotel.
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(E-mail: -- Rev. 13th October 2002)