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Hawaii Iolani Palace



~ Hawaii's Royal Palace ~
 Official residence of King Kalakaua and Queen Liliu'okalani,
the last monarchs of Hawaii, 1881-1893.

In the Grand Hall, handsome Hawaiian woods provide a fitting
background for a display of Hawaiian history. Niches on both side
walls contain gifts to King Kalakaua and in a row above are oil
portraits of the Kings and Queens of Hawaii. The carpentry throughout
the Palace was supervised by George Lucas of the Honolulu Steam Planing Mill.
For the decorative woodwork, he used a magnificent array of native Hawaiian timber. 

The Throne Room has been restored to its appearance during the reign of King
Kalakaua. After the overthrow of the monarch, the thrones, the crowns, the
magnificent feather cloaks which had been passed down from generation to
generation in the Kamehameha family and the tall kahili which were carried
before Hawaiian chiefs on state occasions were all sent to the Bernice Pauahi
Bishop Museum in Honolulu, where they were eventually put on display. The
chandeliers, mirrors, cornices and draperies and the center sofa and side chairs have
all been meticulously restored or duplicated under the supervision of the Palace curator.

The Royal Hawaiian Band was the creation of German Bandmaster,
Captain Henry Berger who moulded a group of Hawaiian musicians into a
military band. They paraded with the Royal Guard played at dockside for
arriving and departing vessels and enlivened royal entertainments. Berger
composed the music for what has now become the Hawaiian national anthem.

The 1890 photograph above shows the Royal Guard drawn up
on parade in front of Iolani Barracks with a battery of brass
breech-loading field pieces and their mascot, at the far left of the picture.
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(E-mail: -- Rev. 27th January 2005)