The Wayback Machine -
Micronesia Postcards

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Map of Micronesia
(not including the Republic of Kiribati)

Beautiful Micronesian children.

Pretty girl in a handicraft shop.

Attractive Micronesian girl
on the beach under a pandanus tree.

Young Micronesian dancers.

Skilled fingers weave a hat using a wooden form.

Micronesian stick dance.

 Church reflecting a Spanish architectural influence.

Sunset over Micronesia!

Micronesia Postcards and Picture Galleries
 click here Jane's Oceania Home Page            
      click here Jane's Micronesia Home Page            
  Click Here Pacific Islands Radio (33K)             
 Click Here Pacific Islands Radio (28K)            

Pacific Islands Radio Stations

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By Jane Resture
(E-mail: -- Rev. 29th January 2003)