The Wayback Machine -
Women of Oceania

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An engraving of Samoan girls making kava, 1887

This Web site is dedicated to the women of Oceania. During times of plenty it is the women who do so much of the work and during the lean times it is the women who have to make the sacrifices for the sake of their families. Through all this they have the strength given to them by their cultural heritage that allows them to cope regardless of the difficulties of their circumstances.


Early images of Maori women, New Zealand

An early postcard from Tahiti

Solomon Island girl softening
 pandanus leaf for mat weaving

Beautiful Samoan lady, 1927


Early images of ladies from Samoa

Kiribati dancer in traditional costume

Samoan girl outside her house (fale)

Woman from the Trobriand Islands

 Postcard of a Tahitian woman, 1965

A beauty from Hawaii

Some beautiful Hawaiian women

Maori women cooking in a hot spring

Tuvaluan dancers in traditional costumes

An early postcard of Aggie Grey and Aggie's Hotel

Papua New Guinea lady in traditional costume

A Trobriand Island family on the road. The woman is carrying large yams in a basket, and
the child in a characteristic position on her hip; the man has an adze on his shoulder

Two young ladies from Samoa who
obviously will not stand for any nonsense

Adi Cakabau, Queen of Fiji

The above three postcards feature some of the beautiful ladies from Tahiti

  Pacific Islands Radio Stations

Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries

click here Jane's Oceania Home Page            
      click here Jane's Micronesia Home Page             
 Click Here Jane's Pacific Islands Radio (33K)  
 Click Here Jane's Pacific Islands Radio (28K)  

(E-mail: -- Rev. 25th March 2004) 

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