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The many islands of Oceania contain a vast array of exciting images
depicting life on the atolls and islands of Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia.
Some of these images, along with some historical images, are reproduced below.

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The Rock Islands, Republic of Palau, Micronesia.

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Traditional Fijian village.

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Tongan Prince and his bride leave the Royal Palace
to take part in a kava ceremony


Left: Wreck of a Japanese ship, Chuuk lagoon. Right: A Japanese gun at the
last Command Post in the north of Saipan.

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Western Samoa.

Rennell Man     Rennell Islanders

Early images of Rennell Islanders, Solomon Islands.

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Canoe racing, Papeete harbour, Tahiti.

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Canoe voyage, Solomon Islands.

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Mormon missionaries, Western Samoa.

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Playing cricket, Trobriand Islands.

Getting ready to bat, Trobriand Islands.

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Canoe building, New Guinea.

Bastille Day celebrations, Papeete, Tahiti.

banana market

Market Day, Trobriand Islands.


Sunset at Tahiti.

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Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries

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Pacific Islands Radio Stations
Jane Resture
 (E-mail: -- Rev. 25th March 2003)