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Affordable Websites

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Affordable Websites
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Affordable Websites is part of Affordable Services Ltd. Affordable Websites was a subsidiary of a design group named Scratch New Media set up in 1998. A gap in the market was discovered and this was developing websites for small to medium sized businesses. In 1999 a website that may only cost £300 in today's market place may have cost in excess of £2000. The price of development has happened as the Internet is more readily available and software has become an item enabling any novice to 'have a go' at developing a site.

What we say to new companies is that the website may be the initial point of contact for a new client. You may not want to spend thousands of pounds if you are new in business, but you will certainly want a website that reflects your company, providing a quality advertisement of your services and not a site that has been quickly put together in FrontPage by someone who may not necessarily know what they are doing!

We are asked how our prices are so low and the answer is this. If we develop a website for a new business and they are happy with the site, our design and professionalism, then they will continue to use our services as their company grows. We look to develop long term relationships with our clients, and not a 5 minute website.

If you would like to know how much a site may cost then follow this link to get a free online website quotation.

To find out more on the Affordable Group then visit our page outlining some of our other services.  

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