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Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

Adult Mind Department...

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Clinical Medical & Sports Hypnotherapist
President & Program Designer
1715 Stickney Point Road  Ste. C-7
Sarasota, FL  34231         941-923-5763

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Book & CD Series

Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder &
How to Lick It

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Sugar Addiction

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Managing Carbohydrates - Sugar Issues
Managing Addictive Personality Patterns
Managing Self-Destructive Work Habits

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Licking Sugar Addiction 
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MindBody Fitness 
Boot Camp

About the Boot Camp
Table of Contents

Boot Camp Online Discussion Group
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Educational Departments

Sugar Addiction
Weight Loss
Adult Addictions
Chronic Disease
Disease Prevention
Chronic & Acute Pain Management
Oncology & Treatment
Accelerated Learning Mind Tools
Self Hypnosis Education
Fears & Phobias
Adult Habits
Social Anxiety
Adult Mind Game Sports
Kids Mind Game Sports
Kids Self-Improvement
Kids Health
Kids Learning Mind Tools
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Executive & Workplace  Creativity
Executive & Workplace Stress
Personal & Workplace Relationships
Affirmation Mind Programming

Interactive Areas

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Sugar Addiction Archives
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Executive Personality & Development 
Inner Journaling Workshops.
Inside the Self-Hypnosis Workshop..
Daily Motivators

Educational EZboards

Licking Sugar Addiction
Holistic Weight Loss 
Self-Hypnosis Education 
Accelerated Learning 
Avoiding Workplace Burnout 


Welcome to Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute Online.  This is our Adult Mind Department. This is an interactive educational website filled with a multitude of  opportunities for learning.  Always feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about our educational programs or choosing the best CD program for you.   Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

How you manage your emotions, thoughts & corresponding body communications or sensations will determine your life outcomes in all areas, including health & prosperity. It is possible to change your internal physiology "in the moment" with interactive self-hypnotic tools.  As you wake up from auto-pilot living, you will become acutely aware of what is actually going on, both in your mind & body "in that moment."
This is where your power is....& as you learn to take the steering wheel & manage the moment, you will find yourself reaching goals even higher than your current expectations.
As you work with our audio & writing groups, you will find yourself living your life moments very differently from the past.

We offer a very large number of interactive self-hypnosis programs to assist you in working with your mind & body.  I encourage you to download our free mp3's & experience self-hypnotic suggestion first hand.  Go to our lists & read descriptions of our different programs.  If you need assistance in choosing something for yourself, please feel free to contact me.  There is a link at the top of this page.  I also encourage you to join one of our interactive online email groups.  These groups are different from others you might find online.  All of our groups are personally mentored, so they are educational, as well as supportive.

Here are some programs designed for the adult mind department.  Click on the link & visit the description.  The full list is located at the first link in the yellow column.

Goal Building

Decision Making

Prosperity Awareness 



Mind-Body Fitness Boot Camp
The Boot Camp is an original "self-discovery" program that is offered FREE online. This is an excellent place to learn how to utilize your mind power in new ways. The focus of the Boot Camp is lifestyle change & high level performance.  Here you will learn to set & activate goals, manage emotions & negative brain cloud, curb addictions, challenge disorderly eating, manage & release stress, accelerate learning, experience high level health & optimum performance through the applications of original interactive self-hypnosis.  The Boot Camp also has an email discussion group moderated by the author & program designer.
About the Boot Camp

MIND ART  by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht.

We talk about wanting to change negative-based habitual thinking patterns, but how does one actually go about doing that? This short article walks the reader through the 
journey of what is possible in programming the mind for habit change. 

When you choose to handle a problem or improve the quality of a life experience, it is a means of creating a change in your habitual long-term response to a stressful situation.

The practice of release or letting go retrains your reflexes or automatic programs, so that you can now respond to stress in a different way that before. Releasing is the art of letting go. It is easily learned & most people can begin doing so immediately. Others need a bit of practice, but as with anything else of value, the more we become involved, the more proficient we become. Part of our work focuses on awareness & part on deep 
relaxation in the moment. Once we perform these two vital steps, we are free to utilize our subconscious mind & place whatever goals we choose in place. 

Become aware of efforting on small, as well as larger issues. When we stop our over push, new options will open up. It is just like skidding. Learn to turn the wheels with the skid & not fight against it. Learn to go with the problem to regain your emotional balance. Allow yourself to relax into the problem & place the problem on your "mind screen." Diminish it visually & now ask your subconscious mind to bring forth answers to this issue. You may receive them in the moment or later, but you will receive them. Whenever asking the subconscious mind for answers, be certain to spend quiet time that day so you can receive the answers. You will not be able to get subconscious answers in a high emotional or run-away brain state. 

Practice mental judo. The practice of judo teaches the student how to counter physical force directed against the person by a maneuver that at first seems like yielding, but which is actually a disarming protective device. Mental judo leaves you steady & balanced in face of confrontation. I suggest you practice exercises for focus & flexibility to implant these skills in your subconscious library. There are many different ways to do this, and I'll be happy to help you choose the best way for you. Just send me an email. 

Work with the negative image of drowning. When trashing about, the very struggle can cause drowning. If the individual were to stop trying so desperately to save themselves, they may float to safety, or even discover that they can touch bottom. When we are in high emotional stress chemical production, the subconscious mind is not able to present new options. 

Learn to let go of emotional intensity. When you do so, the mind clears. The most important part of our work is to be in emotional control. We are no longer forced to respond automatically to someone pushing our anger button, or any other button. 
Having release or being able to let go, you are able to wait out the situation instead of letting it get you down. You have not surrendered to the other person, nor have you been hostile. More than likely you have gained some cooperation.

Keep an eye out for aiming so high that you find yourself tensing up! As soon as you release on the situation, you let go of this over push or striving. Your perspective changes. Now you can zero in on the task with a concentration that was notably 
absent just a few minutes ago. Before, your attention was deflected by thoughts about possible negative consequences. These negative mind programs take you in the direction of the negative consequences. Some of these programs are very subtle & 
therefore hardly noticeable. As you learn to practice releasing tools, you will become aware of these much earlier on & before you go in directions you don't want. 

Keep an eye out for symptoms of "pressure." When under pressure people frequently occupy themselves with anxious thoughts about what may happen to them if the situation turns out badly. These thoughts distract from the task at hand. Once you let go of the negative thoughts, the mind is free to concentrate on what to do, rather than on what can go wrong. Paradoxically, removing excess pressure to accomplish can result in greater accomplishments.

Learn to recognize new alternatives. When you are over-whelmed with feelings, the mind cannot open. Once again, emotional management is key to high level performance & goal achievement. The subconscious mind is vast & has alternatives ready to send 
to you, especially if your goal has been made clear. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity. 

Learn to create spontaneous release at will. Many times we have released or let-go intuitively. This was not under our control & while enjoyable, as well as often memorable, we must know how to create these spontaneous releases when we need them. Also, when an event is emotionally charged for us, spontaneous releasing is least apt to occur. It is not difficult to learn these skills. The tools involved are learning to wake-up, spot physical tension or emotional states that are blocking, release them with the mind & body & then program for success. 

Enjoy the experience of absolute clarity. Clarity is what happens when the turbulence of our emotions is removed by the simple expedient of releasing or letting go. This act leaves our minds clear, balanced, immensely wide in scope & high effective. We can now see the nature of the problem before us & we are free to take suitable action. We release or learn to let go to achieve greater pleasure & increased effectiveness in all the 
things we do. 

Mind Opening Questions 

Always take time when working with your own subconscious library. Relax deeply, ponder the question & allow the answers to float up to consciousness. If you perceive a block, let it go & gently see the puzzle clearing.

1. What is the most important part of this article as it relates to you? 
2. In what area of your life do you release or let go at high levels? See yourself doing this. 
3. In what area of your life does your releasing skill wane?
See yourself doing this & no place an X over these pictures. Take your pictures from answer #2 & place them on the mind screen in this area. 
4. What emotional states are least beneficial to you & inter fere with concentration? 
5. What emotional states can you employ that will benefit you? See yourself employing them now. 

© 2000  Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May not be copied or reproduced without  permission of the author.