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Gourmet Coffee

Gourmet Coffee


The finest gourmet coffee beans from Costa Rica, Kona and Jamaica Blue Mountain.

  Gourmet Coffee Bean Farm

Grown on rich volcanic soil producing the finest gourmet coffee in the world with a smooth and rich flavor.

      Gourmet Coffee Beans      
Gourmet Coffee Beans

Costa Rica Coffee Gourmet Coffee - Costa Rica

Costa Rican Coffee Gourmet Coffee - Costa Rican

Kona Coffee Gourmet Coffee - Kona

Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

Costa Rica Original Coffee
$8.99   10 oz.
Costa Rica Reserve Coffee
$10.99   10 oz.
Kona Gran Reserve Coffee
$29.99  16 oz.
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee
$39.99  16 oz.

Wonderfully Exotic Coffee

We offer only the finest gourmet coffee beans from around the world. Our coffee beans are grown on high volcanic mountain elevations nourished on volcanic soil. The cool climate and moisture from the clouds produces the best coffee flavor you have ever tasted.

Volcanica coffee is a wonderfully exotic experience like none other. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Shop our gourmet coffee beans or go directly to the coffee varieties listed to the right.

What Makes Volcanica Coffee Remarkable

Volcanica gourmet coffee beans are cultivated at heights of 3,000 feet and above on the slopes of mountains formed by active volcanoes over the centuries. The volcanic soil and high elevation adds a unique and smooth flavor, not a stronger taste as some may suspect. These volcanic coffee beans can only be found in few areas of the world. It's not by coincidence that these same areas are also home to tropical rain forest regions where exotic plant and animal species thrive.

The result is a premium gourmet coffee and a connoisseur's delight. When you first open a bag of Volcanica Gourmet Coffee the aroma will hit you. On your first sip the difference will be in the rich flavor enveloping your senses and lost in the incredible flavor. We call our coffee an exotic experience because it truly is remarkable gourmet coffee.

This is not like your store bought coffee that has been sitting on a retailer's shelve for untold months. The problem is that soon after roasting, the beans become stale and lose their flavor. Store bought coffee, including the grocery store whole bean hoppers, and even many coffee shop brands have been roasted months ago and have been slowly deteriorating. Unfortunately many people do not know how coffee is suppose to taste because we have become use to below average grade without even knowing it. You will find that Volcanica Coffee is not only the freshest brand but also the most exotic tasting coffee in the world. Learn how true gourmet coffee is suppose to taste. Browse our store's selection of Volcanica coffee beans and discover the difference.


  Merchant Review: Excellent    5 stars  

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