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||Summer has finally come to the inhabitants of Aurugur. While it should be warming, a few have noticed that winter's chill still hangs on. ***Whispers and Words*** There is a darkness stirring in lands far from Aurugur...The chill of impending something, seems to be spreading. The Fortune tellers which have been making their coin from false speakings and paltry foresights, have begun proclaiming doom and gloom all about the city of Calthrucarr. The people dismiss it as nothing more than idle minds...And yet, there seems to be no end in sight to such forecasts of shadows. *** It is not yet public knowledge that 'Mad King' Vendrin is, in fact, mad, though the whisperings about nobles behind their backs have increased. Some are listening. Vendrin's son, Daman still murmurs into his Father's addled ear at the urgings of his bitter aunt, Frediedra. The people have begun recanting an old tale about the Rightful Heir returning to claim the Serpent Throne. Needless to say, Lleon finds this...Discomforting. In the streets of Calthrucarr, thieves, assassins, spies and covert agents are beginning to turn up dead. The self-admitted, seedy underworld of Calthrucarr has begun to feel shaken....What could be preying on Calthrucarr's own Shadows?...Chaos stirs...***||

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· Stu the Poet · The Confused Alchemist

  Forum # Posts Last Comment
Tael' Aen rules of conduct.
  Tael' Aen Rules and Guidelines
Welcome to the journey unending....We bid you greetings to the World of Tael'Aen.Within these pages you will find rules, guidelines and various important announcements. Please take a moment to read this important post before reading anything else.
2253/2/05 4:21 pm
  The Beginners Guide to Tael'Aen
If you are as confused as I am, and new to Tael'Aen, come on inside and check out these links! :)
563/1/05 6:23 pm
  Character Application
Before you begin, please place your character application for The World of Tael'Aen here.
9323/2/05 4:50 pm
  Accepted Character Profiles
Characters in which the Guardians of Tael'Aen have accepted , and are free to begin their tales shall have their histories recorded here.
1093/2/05 3:58 am
Tael'Aens World Library
  The Lore Keepers Study
Inside, you will find books, scrolls and tomes listing the races, magics, continents and many useful things to help with your adventures within Tael'Aen.
712/22/05 10:42 pm
  The Wink & Tickle Inn
The Wink & Tickle...What more can be said? One of the most popular taverns and inns this side of Aurugur since the Age of Legends... Open to all for Role Playing.
1432/1/05 6:20 am
Calthrucarr is Tael'Aens most prosperous city, and largest human settlment... Open to all for Role Playing.
6563/2/05 6:19 pm
  Al'rah Thri'kki
The Savannah's of Aurugur, home to many, and the Sun Elves. Open to all for role playing
802/23/05 8:21 pm
  Nihl'Rya Tulluh
A massive Oaken forest filled with glimmering, silver trees, where the branches play in glittering sunlight. Home of the Wood Elves.Open to all for role playing
263/2/05 7:40 am
  D'ashavarr Mountains
Deep below the misted and snow capped peaks of D'ashavarr Mountains lies the underground home of the Dwarves... Currently open for dwarven characters only
33/8/04 10:13 am
  Lakes of Myrinn'arah
Home to the Moon Elves and Aurugur's largest lakes. One of the rarest , possibly most magical races upon Tael'Aen... Open to all for role playing
37/12/04 1:43 pm
  TarS'Sroniss Jungles
The dark and dangerous Jungles of the Illnara. Nearly impossible to wade through on one's own, here is where the Dark Elves live within their protected dome cities. (Dark Elves)
322/23/05 7:56 pm
  Calthrucarr's Shadows
Something wicked this way comes...The bad, the ugly, the darkness of Calthrucarr..Sin, death and despair. This forum is password protected. Please request permission to view Here if you wish to enter.
802/21/05 11:06 pm
  House Brye
House Brye is one of the last remaining four Houses which carry blood ties to Legendary Kings of Tael'Aen. House Brye's motto is : "We Remember."
27/30/04 12:22 pm
  House Lleon
House Lleon is one of the last remaining four Houses which carry blood ties to Legendary Kings of Tael'Aen. Their motto is: " In the middle path thou will go most safely"
212/3/04 7:17 pm
  House Pennagrus
One of the last remaining four Houses which carry blood ties to Legendary Kings of Tael'Aen. House Motto:"Virtue in difficulty"
312/3/04 7:18 pm
  House Dragaoryn
One of the last remaining four Houses which carry blood ties to Legendary Kings of Tael'Aen.House Motto: " The small under the protection of the great."
53/1/05 10:15 am
Sho'Dikki (The Forbidden Lands)
The land of the Sha’Dao, referred to as “The Cradle” by most of its inhabitants, is located in the vast collapsed crater of an extinct volcano on the island continent of Shodikki. Normally familiar animals are sometimes distorted beyond recognition into horrible monstrous creatures that limit their existence to the Cradle itself, making passage for most normal sentient creatures akin to suicide.
152/6/05 6:23 am
Staff & World Concept Design
  The Scribes Scriptorium
A safe, quiet place where Library Scribes gather to create. World Concept design tends to happen within.
4073/1/05 3:49 pm
Out of Character
  Player to Player Requests
Are you looking for a story to join? Do you have a thread, and need a player to desperately join you? Do you want to request an NPC to help with a story line? Do you have a plot idea, and want to share or work out the details? Are you going away, are you coming back? Are you confused about something, and need to ask a question about anything found on Tael'Aen? Here's the forum to do so and let us know!
23433/2/05 4:56 am
Out of Character & Out of My Mind. Anything goes! Did you hear the one about the Dragon, the confused viking and the frightened cleric?....
66753/2/05 6:57 pm
  Bonds of Fantasy
Become a link in a long standing chain of creative and outstanding Fantasy upon Ezboard by leaving us linkage to your own RPG board!Advertise here! Don't forget to peek at the Guidelines first!!
682/28/05 11:22 pm
  The Artists Muse
Here will you find the poetry, fan fic, creative writing and Art of those artistically inclined upon Tael'Aen
6293/2/05 1:06 am
  Inactive Character Profiles
Inactive character profiles. Should you wish to become active again, please contact the GM Tael.
4652/21/05 9:07 pm
  Archived Threads, Jan. 28th, 2004 - Current.
Inactive, or closed Story Lines. Should you wish to have one active once more, please contact the GM Tael.
84812/27/04 12:57 pm
  Scriptorium Scribbles
Ideas which have been approved, declined for the moment, or ideas which were never expanded upon past the initial post. Elder scriptorium topics found within.
1732/3/05 3:06 pm
The World of Tael'Aen Information | View Community Profile...
Founded: December 8, 2003
Daily Posts: 71   Total Posts: 16476
Daily Visits: 1723   Total Visits: 365915
117 Registered Members
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Featured Topic: Tael Aen Rules and Guidelines. - more...
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We currently have $37.05 in our chest.
Thank you to: Shangri Stormwind,, my Husband Aryn Erasnum and an anonymous soul for donating in the past and present.

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