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The Complete Build Muscle
& Gain Weight Fast Guide

Gain weight fast? To a world obsessed with losing weight, this can seem an odd goal. But there are those of us whose fitness goals go against the grain. We need to gain weight. Not just any weight, but Lean Muscle Weight. We are skinnier than we want to be and while it may be true that a great many people consider us to be blessed, we know we are cursed.

This site is all about building a bigger, stronger, better body. It is for the hardgainers, the "too skinny," the genetically unblessed majority that want to put on pounds of muscle. With a little intelligent training, you can build muscle and gain weight fast.

The Guide is in five main sections:

  1. Weight Gain Program Design
  2. Weight Gain Diets
  3. Bodybuilding Supplements
  4. Weight Training Programs
  5. Fitness Tracking Programs

Following these sections in order will help you gain weight fast. You will learn how to plan your weight gain program, set up a weight gain diet to support muscle growth, use only proven effective bodybuilding supplements, utilize weight training methods that build muscle and track your program so you will always know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong.

You can access most of the rest of the pages of this site from the five main pages linked above. You can also maneuver about the site from the left navbar buttons. Or, check out the Site Map/Search.

Whatever you do...

Don't underestimate the importance of any of the five main parts of a successful weight gain program. If you truly want to dramatically change your body, to build muscle and gain weight fast in a short amount of time, it will be the power of all these factors working together that will propel you towards your goals.

The more things you do right, the BIGGER your results.

Don't get nervous... We aren't talking about dawn to dusk changes in your lifestyle here. A solid weight gain program won't take anything more than a little intelligence and a few extra hours a week to implement so...

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The amount of information on weight gain is increasing but BEWARE. A lot of this information is crap. I once asked a genetically blessed friend for advice on how to gain weight. He told me and I quote, "Eat more crackers." And that is what a lot of the growing information on weight gain is - do what the rest of the fitness and weight loss people do but just eat more. This is nothing more than the weight loss companies trying to expand their customer base. It doesn't put muscle weight on you.

There is also a plethora of advice available from the bodybuilding hulks. These are guys that could probably get the 17 inch biceps we'd be ecstatic with by just doing the old 12 ounce curls. Genetics were good to them but unless they were equally good to you, you're likely to become frustrated following their programs.

On this web site, you will find the ways to gain weight that will work. We will go against the grain and gain weight fast. Fast is good. Most of us won't work our butts off to gain a few pounds a year. Besides, we'd likely be old and gray by the time we met our goals.

I gained 29 lbs. of lean muscle in just ten weeks (naturally) following the methods discussed on the pages of this web site. This was after trying the programs in the muscle mags, buying expensive systems with cool scientific names, and, yes, even eating lots of crackers. All these things netted me no significant results.

My hope is that by using the Guide, you will avoid the years of frustration I endured during my quest to gain weight and build muscle (along with the money I wasted on worthless systems). I have every confidence that your goals will be met.

Your Friend in Weight Gain and Fitness,

JP Clifford
Contact Me

Check out my new off-site blog - The Muscle Building Blog - for Q&A; and more tips to help you gain weight.

New Articles...

Bodybuilding Nutritional Resources - You can now find the caloric content of the foods you eat by searching directly from this site. Check out this page for this as well as additional resources essential to building an effective bodybuilding diet.

Understanding Food Labels - The ability to correctly read food labels is essential to effective dieting. This Anthony Ellis article explains how to cut through the confusion and know exactly what you're eating.

"How Do I Gain Weight?" - The basics on how to gain weight. (Are you a webmaster who wants some content for your site? This article is available for reprint - see page for details.)

Prohormones Banned - Effective on January 20, 2005, prohormones in The US are banned. Read more on the updated prohormone page.

Warm-Up Sets - Learn how to use warm-up sets to enhance the muscle-building productivity of your bodybuilding workouts.

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The Build Muscle and Gain Weight Fast Guide

Copyright(c)2005 JP Clifford, All Rights Reserved.