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South Rim


Seasonal Road Closures, SOUTH RIM

  • From March 1 to November 30, Hermit Road and the road out to Yaki Point/South Kaibab are CLOSED to private vehicle traffic. You will need to ride a shuttle bus to access those destinations. Private vehicle access on these roads is permitted for vehicles with accessibility permits.

  • From December 1 to February 28, Hermit Road and the road out to Yaki Point/South Kaibab are open to private vehicles.


Park Shuttle

Free shuttle buses operate on four routes on the South Rim at Grand Canyon National Park: Hermits Rest Route, Village Route, Kaibab Trail Route, and Canyon View/Mather Point Route (for visitors needed mobility assistance). No tickets are required, and bus stops are clearly marked throughout the park by signs.

Buses may be white, white with a green stripe, or brown and tan. The route is indicated by a colored square near each door. Many buses also display the route name on the front of the bus. Pets are not permitted on shuttle buses. Service animals for visitors with disabilities are allowed.

The Hermits Rest Route is NOT in service between December 1 and February 28. During those three months ONLY, Hermit Road and the road out to Yaki Point/South Kaibab are open to private vehicles.

Because most park shuttle buses are not yet accessible for wheelchairs, an accessibility permit can be obtained in the park at entrance gates, the visitor center at Canyon View Information Plaza, Yavapai Observation Station, Kolb Studio, El Tovar registration desk, and the Bright Angel Lodge transportation desk. The permit allows access to some areas closed to the general public traffic. Accessible shuttle buses are available in response to requests made the day prior. Call (928) 638-0591.

A Parking and Shuttle Bus Route Map is available as a PDF file that can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 5 or newer). If you plan on printing the map, it may print faster if you download it to your computer.

  • To view a PDF in your browser window, click on the file link and the Acrobat Reader plug-in will automatically load and display the file.
  • To download a PDF to your computer, right-click on the PDF link and choose the "Save Link/Target As" option from the drop-down menu. After saving the file to your computer, click on its alias/icon and Acrobat Reader will launch and open the PDF for viewing and/or printing.

PDF file - Parking and Shuttle Bus Route Map - 888kb
(the info on the above map is also available as a text file)


Hermits Rest Route - This route operates from March 1 to November 30. - Buses provide transportation between the Village Route Transfer and Hermits Rest with stops at eight canyon overlooks. Hermit Road is open to private vehicles December through February only, but may be closed temporarily due to ice and snow.

Buses on the Hermit Rest Route run one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset on the following schedule:
March, October, November:
  • Every 30 minutes from one hour before sunrise to 9:30 a.m.
  • Every 15 minutes from 9:30 a.m. to sunset
  • Every 30 minutes from sunset to one hour after sunset
April through September:
  • Every 30 minutes from one hour before sunrise to 7:30 a.m.
  • Every 15 minutes from 7:30 a.m. to sunset
  • Every 30 minutes from sunset to one hour after sunset

75-minute round trip (without getting off the bus). Stops are as follows:
1 Village Route Transfer
(first stop for route start times)
westbound (outward)
2 Trailview Overlook westbound
3 Maricopa Point westbound
4 Powell Point westbound
5 Hopi Point westbound
6 Mohave Point westbound
7 The Abyss westbound
8 Pima Point westbound
9 Hermits Rest westbound
10 Mohave Point eastbound (return)
11 Hopi Point eastbound
12 Village Route Transfer eastbound (return)

Note that on the return trip from Hermits Rest, the bus stops ONLY at Mohave and Hopi Points, providing a semi-express return service. Water is not available on Hermit Road except at Hermits Rest. Take a canteen with you.

map of Hermit Rest Route


Village Route - This route operates year-round. - Buses provide transportation between Canyon View Information Plaza, Yavapai Point, hotels, restaurants, campgrounds, parking lots, and other facilities in the Village area. This is not a scenic route, but rim views are available a short walk from many stops.

Buses on the Village Route run one hour before sunrise to seasonal stop time:
December through February (winter):
  • Every 30 minutes from one hour before sunrise to 8:00 a.m.
  • Every 15 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Every 30 minutes from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
March through May (spring):
  • Every 30 minutes from one hour before sunrise to 6:30 a.m.
  • Every 15 minutes from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Every 30 minutes from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
June through August (summer):
  • Every 30 minutes from one hour before sunrise to 6:30 a.m.
  • Every 15 minutes from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Every 30 minutes from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
September through November (fall):
  • Every 30 minutes from one hour before sunrise to 6:30 a.m.
  • Every 15 minutes from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Every 30 minutes from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

60-minute round trip (without getting off the bus). Stops are as follows:
1 Canyon View Information Plaza  
2 Yavapai Rooms westbound
3 Market Plaza westbound (first stop for route start times)
4 Yavapai Observation Station  
5 Shrine of the Ages westbound
6 Train Depot  
7 Bright Angel Lodge  
8 Hermits Rest Transfer  
9 Maswik Lodge  
10 Backcountry Information Center  
11 Center Road  
12 Village East  
13 Shrine of the Ages eastbound
14 Mather Campground  
15 Trailer Village  
16 Market Plaza eastbound
17 Yavapai Rooms eastbound
18 Canyon View InformationPlaza  

map of Village Route


Kaibab Trail Route - This route operates year-round. - Buses provide transportation between Canyon View Information Plaza, Pipe Creek Vista, South Kaibab Trailhead, and Yaki Point. This is the shortest scenic route and the only access to Yaki Point.

Buses on the Kaibab Trail Route operate on the following schedule:
  • Every 30 minutes from one hour before sunrise to 6:30 a.m.
  • Every 15 minutes from 6:30 a.m. to one hour after sunset

30-minute round trip (without getting off the bus). Stops are as follows:
1 Canyon View Information Plaza
2 South Kaibab Trailhead
3 Yaki Point
4 Pipe Creek Vista
5 Canyon View Information Plaza

There is also a Hikers Express version of the Kaibab Trail Route. It leaves from the Bright Angel Lodge, goes to the Backcountry Information Center, and then on to South Kaibab Trailhead. There are 2-3 Hikers' Express trips each morning, departure times depend on the month, see chart below.

Hikers' Express Schedule
January 8am, 9am
February 8am, 9am
March 7am, 8am, 9am
April 6am, 7am, 8am
May 5am, 6am, 7am
June 4am, 5am, 6am
July 4am, 5am, 6am
August 4am, 5am, 6am
September 5am, 6am, 7am
October 6am, 7am, 8am
November 7am, 8am, 9am
December 8am, 9am

map of Kaibab Trail


Canyon View / Mather Point Route - For visitors needing mobility assistance between the Mather Point parking lot and the Canyon View Visitor Center. 15 minute round trip. Operates from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 or 6:30 p.m. - buses run about every 15 minutes from a half hour before opening to a half hour after closing of the Visitor Center at Canyon View Information Plaza and Books and More Store.


On-call Paratransit Service - For visitors needing mobility assistance who plan to arrive either without their own transportation or who are not part of a guided tour. Accessible shuttle buses are available in response to requests made the day prior. Call 928-638-0591.


On the South Rim, guided bus tours within the park are conducted by Xanterra. Call (303) 297-2757 or toll free (888) 297-2757, FAX (303) 297-3175, or write Xanterra Parks & Resorts, 14001 E. Iliff, Suite 600, Aurora, CO 80014, or visit Visitors arriving in the park should contact any transportation desk for information or call (928) 638-2631 to make arrangements. Tours include: Sunrise, Sunset, Desert View Drive, and Hermits Rest Road. Tours are available throughout the year. Wheelchair-accessible coaches are available by prior arrangement.

Information about Phantom Ranch facilities, mule trips, horseback riding, air tours, one-day float trips, and motorcoach tours (including wheelchair-accessible vehicles) is available at the lodge lobbies (hours vary seasonally). Call (928) 638-2631, ext. 6015.

  • Maswik Lodge Transportation Desk - Times vary based on seasonal demand.
  • Bright Angel Transportation Desk - Times vary based on seasonal demand.
  • Yavapai Lodge Transportation Desk - Times vary based on seasonal demand.

A shuttle service is provided seasonally between the North Rim and the South Rim for a fee by Trans Canyon Shuttle (a park permittee). One trip each way daily. Call (928) 638-2820. Scheduled service available until Oct. 15. Charter service available until Oct. 31. Reservations required.

Service is available to the Grand Canyon Airport, trailheads, and other destinations. 24-hour service daily. Call (928) 638-2822 or (928) 638-2631, ext. 6563.

Greyhound Bus Lines provides service from Flagstaff and Williams, Arizona to points nationwide.

Grand Canyon Coaches operates the Grand Canyon Eco-Shuttle between hotels and businesses in Tusayan and the Backcountry Information Center in Grand Canyon Village. Call (928) 638-0821 for prices and schedules. Shuttle service between Phoenix and Flagstaff, and between Flagstaff and Grand Canyon Village is offered by Open Road Tours (800-766-7117), call for prices and schedules.

Grand Canyon Railway offers service between Williams, Arizona and Grand Canyon Village (South Rim). The Railroad Express offers bus service for people who only want a one-way trip on the vintage train. To ride on the train one-way in the morning from Williams, contact any lodge transportation desk within the park. To ride on the train one-way in the afternoon, contact Grand Canyon Railway. Call (800) THE-TRAIN or visit for information and reservations.

Trip Planning/Visitor Information, Grand Canyon National Park
Last updated: 06-Jan-2005