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Embassies - Wash, D.C.
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Embassy Network
1211 Connecticut Ave. NW - suite 812
Washington, DC 20036
tel: 202-872-1050
fax: 202-293-4198

© 1999 by
GlobeScope Internet Services

Washington, D.C. Embassies

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Welcome to the Embassy Network (EN), a worldwide directory of embassies and other diplomatic missions online. If you are looking for country facts, travel, visa, trade, culture, events and news, you've come to the right place.

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In The Spotlight

The Embassy of Peru &
The Embassy of Portugal
launch their web presence.

The Finnish Embassy
serves up a virtual tour of its embassy with the newest RealG2 Streaming Multimedia!

Take The Tour!
(Download G2)

The German Embassy and German Information Center
News from Germany -  monthly video and weekly radio updates on demand!

Germany Today - Weekly Radio

November, Week #1

German Scene - Monthly Video
