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Project Management Capability Assessment

The Problem with assessing Project Management Capability

Measuring Project Management capability has been a difficult exercise. Traditional measures have been based on project management metrics such as:

The other alternative is to have an expensive consulting house review your practices and give you a report on project statistics you probably already know. There is usually no money left to do anything after you pay the consulting bill for the project management assessment.

The Solution - How to assess Project Management Capability

Highly responsive, customer focused company that fulfilled our needs in a timely and very professional manner. The survery, analysis, and report were delivered as expected and provided us with insights into where our organization can benefit from additional project management training. I highly recommend them!

John A. Thich, Ph.D.
Vice President and Global Business Director-Driveline Manager-Business Services RohMax USA Inc.

The first decision is what to measure against. What is best practice? What project management metrics? Fortunately, the answer is relatively straight forward. The Project Management Institute PMBOK (Project Management Book of Knowledge) provides a clear structure for successful project management. It breaks project management into nine areas - Management of Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Risk, HR, Procurement, Integration and Communication.

Each of these is broken down into further areas to bring a total of close to 40 components that make up successful project management. By measuring against these areas, you can develop a quantitative map of you PM capability.

How to assess Project Management Capability

In conjunction with a market research specialist, Project Perfect have developed a questionnaire that will provide the answers. The questionnaire is directed at people who have participated in a project in the last 12 months. We email the questionnaire, collect the answers, and provide a report that benchmarks your capability in 9 major, and 39 minor categories. It also provides guidance as to the steps you might take to improve performance.

The example below is one of the nine categories - Time Management. This particular organisation is good at defining activities but falls down in the areas of activity sequencing, and estimating duration. A typical activity that could be undertaken to improve the situation would be to review why estimates are not accurate and possibly building up an experience databank of how long things take.

Benefits of a Project Management Assessment

Time & Cost

For More Information ....

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