Clawfoot Supply Security Guarantee. The Clawfoot Supply Security Guarantee protects you while you shop with us so that you never have to worry about credit card safety. We guarantee that every transaction you make at Clawfoot Supply will be safe. Federal law limits your liability for unauthorized credit card usage to $50. Should unauthorized use of your credit card occur, as a result of your credit card purchase, simply notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50, Clawfoot Supply will cover the entire liability for you, up to the full $50 if unauthorized use of your credit card occurs through no fault of your own from purchases made at Clawfoot Supply via our secure server. Clawfoot Supply's servers use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an encryption technology that works with Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and AOL's browser, so that only Clawfoot Supply can read a buyer's personal information. Look for the padlock on your browser when entering credit card and personal information. Shopping online at Clawfoot Supply is statistically safer than using your credit card at a restaurant or department store. Online purchases without human intervention are far safer than traditional credit card transactions because the information is immediately encrypted into a scrambled message that can only be decrypted by an authorized computer. We're confident you will find shopping on the internet safe and enjoyable. We're certain after successfully shopping online at Clawfoot Supply, you will be on your way to appreciating the convenience and security of shopping from home.
Order by Phone: 1-877-682-4192 | Thousands of Satisfied Customers since 1999. | Safe Shopping Guaranteed |
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