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AERA Engine Builder, Rebuilder and Installer

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Welcome to AERA
A network of professional Engine Builders, Rebuilders and Installers.

AERAid contains approximately 80 years of AERA's published technical information. To use the online version members can just click on the image.

AERA provides specs and services to the engine installer, engine builder, and engine rebuilder.

PRO-SIS is AERA's PROfessional Engine Specification Software that contains over 33,000 casting numbers, engine specifications for over 4,300 different engines and over 2,500 technical bulletins since January 1968.

AERA SMS (Shop Management Software) can help you take your shop from just turning wrenches to turning a profit.

AERA products - manuals, shop supplies, SMS software, and other items can now be purchased online.

Tech publication - AERA's list of technical publications compiled since 1968 that you can order online.

EXPO 2005 - Register for convention, and reserve booth space.

Shoptalk - The official publication of AERA containing helpful information for the automotive engine industry.

New Booklet - we are developing new booklets to better serve our members. Our latest offering is the Engine Component Failure Analysis booklet.

Renew AERA membership - As a engine builder, engine rebuilder, engine installer or associate member you can take advantage of this service.
