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-Environmental Career Center Staff

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Employers, join us today and target the best professionals for your jobs in 2005! By posting your job openings here, the leading environmental recruitment site, you can better build the winning team your company needs to succeed. Job posting packages start at just $99.95.

Future of Green Building Careers? 
The Environmental Career Center (ECC) teamed with the US Green Building Council (USGBC) in an educational partnership to survey the impact the green building industry is having on careers and hiring trends. The survey period has ended, and ECC would like to thank all that participated. A summary of the results is currently available on-line. More details...

Career Advice
View video segments from one of our 2004 spring career teleconference, and gain insight on starting a career with a variety of environmental employers.

The latest news from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The latest news from the U.S. Green Building Council


Marine Fisheries Observer
New Bedford, MA

Work at sea collecting and recording data and biological samples for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) aboard commercial fishing vessels. Biologists separate catch by species, weigh and measure species and take age samples (scales and otoliths). Sightings and incidental takes of marine mammals, turtles and birds are logged.

Position details

Field Research Assistants

Western Cape,South Africa

The White Shark Trust is looking for Students to assist in the field research conducted at Dyer Island on Great White Sharks The White Shark Trust is investigating the ecology of the Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in South Africa.

Position details


Work with a Nature Conservancy Mitigation Program on their vegetation sampling crew at the headwaters of the Florida Everglades. The Nature Conservancy's Disney Wilderness Preserve is home to hundreds of wildlife species and is bordered by one of the last remaining undeveloped lakes in central Florida.

Position Details



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