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At Jewelry Central, we are committed to providing our customers with a secure shopping environment. We maintain practices and procedures designed to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of customer information, and use various security measures to ensure that your credit card information is protected, including the latest in security technology.

Security with VeriSign

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Jewelry Central is registered with VeriSign, the leading provider of digital authentication services and products for electronic commerce. VeriSign Inc. delivers critical infrastructure services that make the Internet and telecommunications networks more intelligent, reliable, and secure.

Secure Socket Layer
When you place an order through our shopping basket, your personal information is protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology, the industry standard security protocol for encoding sensitive information. SSL creates a shared digital key, which only lets the sender and the receiver of the transmission scramble or unscramble information. To everyone else, the SSL transmission is indecipherable.

Encryption is based on the mathematical scrambling and unscrambling of messages. The type of encryption we use assigns two keys - one is a public key and one is a private key. When you send us a message, you use our public key to encrypt your message. Once we receive your encrypted message, we use the private key to decode it. The same key cannot both encrypt and decrypt information. So, information encrypted using the private key can only be decrypted using the public key, and vice versa- ensuring the security of your information.

This technology, together with our other security measures, protects your personal information as it moves from your computer to our server. We also restrict and limit access to customer information only to those employees who require it to carry out their business functions, and educate our employees about safeguarding customer information and preventing its unauthorized access, disclosure, or use. We constantly monitor and adopt, as appropriate, new technological improvements designed to protect and ensure the accuracy and security of customer information.

In addition to protecting your personal information, we protect your order by fully insuring it all the way to your front door.

Order by Phone
If you prefer to order by phone, our jewelry consultants will be happy to assist you, seven days a week. A jewelry consultant will take your order by phone and answer any questions about your order.

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