Esquire Magazine Subscriptions
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Men's Favorites
Esquire Magazine Subscriptions
| | Esquire Magazine : $0.67/issue only! Magazine Cover Price: $36.00 Save: 78% Our Price: $8.00
Buy Esquire Magazine
Esquire Magazine is one of America's premiere men's magazines and has been since it was founded in 1933. Esquire was originally recognized as a showcase for literary writers, most notably, Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. During the 1940s, the magazine broadened its focus and increased in popularity, thanks in part to the famous Varga Girls. By the 1960s, Esquire published writers such as Tom Wolfe, Norman Mailer and Gay Talese, and helped create the so-called New Journalism. Esquire has also became known for its irreverent humor, highlighted each year by the renowned Dubious Achievement Awards. Esquire has evolved to become a magazine that reflects the changing role of men in American society, featuring articles on fashion, personalities, the arts, politics, the media and 'Women we Love'. Available for Delivery to US and Canadian Addresses Only at this time. 12 Issues per year |
| | Esquire Magazine: One Year USA Magazine Subscription | Cover Price: $36.00 Our Price: $8.00 | $0.67/issue | | Esquire Magazine: Two Years USA Magazine Subscription | Cover Price: $72.00 Our Price: $16.00 | $0.67/issue | | Esquire Magazine: One Year Canada Magazine Subscription | $27.97 | $2.33/issue | | Esquire Magazine: Two Years Canada Magazine Subscription | $55.94 | $2.33/issue |
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-> Men's Favorites
Esquire Magazine Subscriptions.
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