Namtheun 2 Technical Papers
The technical reviews below , by independent experts, reveal serious flaws in the Nam Theun 2 project’s environmental impact assessment and social development plan – flaws which call into question the project’s viability and scale of impact.
Read a World Rivers Review article summarizing the reviews.
A Review of the Nam Theun 2 Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP) as it pertains to impacts on Xe Bang Fai fisheries , by David J.H. Blake, January 2005.
A Review of the Adequacy of Compensation Measures for Communities Living Along the Xe Bang Fai River , by David J.H. Blake, January 2005.
The Nam Theun 2 Resettlement Plan and Viability of Proposed Livelihood Options for Displaced Villagers , compiled by International Rivers Network, February 2005.
Viability of the Agriculture and Livestock Development Plan for the Nam Theun 2 Resettled Villages , published by International Rivers Network, January 2005.
Reservoir Fisheries Predictions for the Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project , by Eric Theiss, Fisheries Biologist, February 2005.
Forestry Development Program for the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project: An Independent Analysis , published by International Rivers Network, February 2005.
Review of Hydrology Component of Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for Proposed Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project by Peter Willing, Ph.D., Hydrogeologist & Karla Knoop, Professional Hydrologist, January 20, 2005.
Review of the Water Quality Assessment (EAMP) for the proposed Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project , by Professor Guy Lanza, PhD, January 2005.
Review of the Nakai-Nam Theun Social and Environmental Management Framework and First Operational Plan (SEMFOP-1) for the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project , compiled by Environmental Defense , February 2005.
Review of Economic Impact Study: Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project by Wayne C. White, Ph.D, August 1, 1997.
Review Comments on the Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP) , by David L. Wegner, Ecosystem Management Ltd. July 31, 1997.
Review coments on the Nam Theun 2 Environmental Assessment and Management Plan , by Guy R. Lanza, Ph.D., Director of the Environmental Sciences Program at the University of Massachusetts, August 9, 1997.
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