Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
ENR's role is to not only to report on what is going on in the
industry on a weekly basis but also to lead the construction
industry by offering comments on industry developments on the
editorial page and publishing industry feedback on the Letters
and Viewpoint pages. There is an Editoral page in every issue,
always the last page of the magazine. Viewpoints are published
periodically, alternating with ENR's Website Poll report. Letters
run in every issue of the magazine except the first issue of
the month, which is the industry Calender. From time to time,
ENR will publish an Update, informing readers about activites
at the magizine involving staff and articles.
ENR editors
provide a periodic forum for people in the industry to
present thier personal views on issues affecting the construction
industry. The editors often solicit such articles from
responsible people in the industry who are in a decision-making
capacity or who are experts on the subject matter. In
some cases, such individuals petition the editors to have
their views considered for the Viewpoint page. Those views
may not necessarily represent those of the editors as
group, but are intended to promote thought, discussion
and action on the issues. click
here for more >>
ENR editorials
are written weekly by staff editors and represent the
offical opinion of ENR editors as group, but not necessarily
the views of magazine as a business organization or those
of The McGraw-Hill Cos., ENR's parent firm. ENR editorials
often relate to an article in that week's issue, but can
be about issues reported earlier or not at all. In its
reporting, ENR attempts to be fair and factual. ENR editors
save their opinions for the editorial page. click
here for more >>
ENR welcomes
comments from readers on articles that it has published
or on issues of concern to the industry. We publish as
many letters to the editor as space permits. Letters often
are selected to be representative of groups of submissions
and are edited for style, clarity and available space.
here for more >>