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Business plans  for venture capital, angel investing, bank financing and corporate partnerships -- the tools and services you need now. 

(813) 994-1924


We will create a State-of-the-art 
business plan  for your business

Write an Amazing
Business Plan yourself

The Unfair Advantage -- A Professional
Business Plan Review

10 Myths about
Business Finance

Tools and Resources





You know your business. BusinessFinance-One knows business plans.



"We knew the concept was right, and we knew our team was right.  We just couldn't get it all together on paper.  Thanks to BusinessFinance-One for making that happen so rapidly."
      A.L.  $4.5 million venture capital

"Venture Economics' Reyes estimates there is as much as $50 billion of unused venture capital nationwide."
    "Deal makers' deal: VC funds join forces for better outlook," by Jeff Meisner.  Puget Sound Business Journal, March 29, 2002.
(NOTE:  Other estimates place the available VC money as high as $75 billion.)

"The language of startups has changed, says Bill Tai, a general partner at Charles River Ventures. Companies are 'stories' or 'deals' in banking lingo, an attitude VCs also adopted in the late '90s, says Mr. Tai, a former analyst himself. Lately, he says, VCs are referring to companies as 'projects,' indicating a more long-term commitment."
      "Wall Streeters Break Down on Sand Hill Road," by Julie Landry.  Red Herring, August 2002, p. 88-89.

©1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 BusinessFinance-One Inc.
Updated March 6, 2004

Venture capital, angel investors, bank financing, corporate partnerships -- all are poised to release millions and millions of venture funding.  Now is when you can get the funding your company deserves.  

Sophisticated entrepreneurs use every advantage possible to ensure that theirs is the company that obtains financing.  You can use those same techniques.  BusinessFinance-One will show you how -- step by step.

State-of-the-art business plan

The Unfair Advantage

For entrepreneurs, visionaries, gifted scientists, or those seeking $2million in funding or more.

This is the business plan/ financing proposal developed by professionals for the most effective presentation of your company.

How successful is your business plan/ financing proposal?  If you've been sending it out for two months or more with no success, it's time to take another look.

Get an Unfair Advantage -- have it polished by the pros at BusinessFinance-One

On Target: Business Finance, 2nd edition

Information Sources

The art of writing business plans/ financing proposals has changed dramatically the past few years.  

With the assistance of

you can write an amazing business plan yourself


For all entrepreneurs.

Get the information you need on all levels:

Tools and Resources

Census Data and Statistical Information

Researching Companies Online

Patents and copyright

Industry Intelligence

International trade

Minority Sources

10 Myths about Business Finance


" 'Everybody wants to believe it is turning around,' said Dan Lankford of Brown Venture Associates of the buzz in Silicon Valley's venture capital community."
    "Venture fund-raising may be on rebound--survey."  Reuters News, Feb. 1, 2002

And IT IS TURNING AROUND!  Report after report shows that funding is flowing back into business.  Billions of dollars are being invested, AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS GO UNCLAIMED.

Ironically, it's not from lack of funds that most companies aren't receiving the money they need.  Rather, investors say that they can't find enough good deals!  

You know yours is a company that deserves to be funded, so go after it!

If your company is worth serious consideration, it's worth the time and effort to create a truly outstanding business plan.  Whether you choose to do it yourself, or have BusinessFinance-One create a state-of-the-art business plan for you, we are here to give you every advantage possible in your business funding search.