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Open Thumbshots Project. Definition: thumbshot - n. A thumbnail snapshot of a document. tr.v. thumbshotted, thumbshotting, thumbshots. To create a thumbnail screenshot.
Leader in web preview technology. Serving thumbshots to over 300 sites.
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Read what some of the users have to say about thumbshots.

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"The thumbnail idea is a good one." -- Michael Rogers, editor and general manager of

"I love how easy it was for me to add thumbshots support to phpODP! And my users love the new feature as well :)" -- Bjørn Børresen, phpODP

"We implemented thumbshots on a new domain within a few minutes and by the end of the same day I already had emails from visitors commenting what a great additional feature it was!" -- Conor O'Connor,

"I am getting to be the "talk of the town" with my web customers. They love the fact that their site can be displayed in such a beautiful
-- Mike D., Hobbyline

"An simple but extremely effective idea. Why the heck don't more search engines give you the option of viewing site previews? I think it would certainly effect clickthrough rates for certain sites." -- Will Board, Webmaster Toolkit

"Adding thumbshots was easier than I imagined, and definately helps to spice up simple text results or listings. Of all the free services and content out there this has got to be the best I've seen in a while, kudos!" -- Kristopher E.J., GayHouston

"I'm a french doctor and have created Global Booster Santé a directory of the 2000 most populars health web sites. My directory pages show thumbshots next to the site description giving the user a better idea of what the health site looks like and a quick way, by clicking the image, to go to the choosen site. It tooks me a few minutes to include thumbshots in my link template and I started seeing them while I was testing in my local computer! Great. Very easy for those who are using templates." -- Dr. Maurice Chriqui, Global Booster Sante

"It's always a good idea to have a preview of the site before going there ESPECIALLY if ur running on dial-up and ur really annoyed at the time it takes for a site to load :)" -- Sevine Al Assaad, Montreal, QC

"I found out about your site yesterday and I am busily adding your code to 8 of my directories. Great stuff!" -- Mike Dippel, CareerSeeker

"You can tell exactly what sites you have already visited and makes it easier to find them again." -- Anonymous

"Thumbshots are helpful for users running on modem connections (like myself) because users see where they are going and do not waste their time clicking to undesirable sites. Since I am a visual type of guy, and I'm running on 56k modem, it's much easier for me to search the web this way." -- Open Directory, Katedrala

"This is clearly a nice addition to the Open Directory. It makes my life as an editor so much easier. I check thumbshots everyday to look for sites to add and remove." -- DMOZ editor

"I love your service! So much easier to see what site looks like before you go to it. Keep up the good work and thanks again for the service!" -- Pete, FobMS

"Pictures speak a thousand words and this does just that." -- Anonymous

"The amount of positive feedback we are receiving due to the introduction of thumbshots is incredible. It is because of this phenomenal success that we decided to integrate Thumbshots into our static directory pages." -- Mike Hammond, CEO of

"The thumbshots version of the Open Directory is an excellent addition to the internet community! It is wonderful to see that the directory is being used in such creative and innovative ways. Thank you for providing such a service." -- DMOZ editor

"I'd love to see my searchengine results with this. Maybe some of the doorways would be skipped." -- Markus Lenk, Set Die Agenteur

"I love your site, I think is the very good idea, i hope the search engine use this option." -- Caroline B.,

"It's been a long while since something as remarkable as thumbshots happen on the Internet. It doesn't happen a lot and when it does, it makes a big bang on search engines and directories." -- Tracy D. France

"One of the best innovations since Google!" -- Scott Nelly

"These thumnails are kind of addictive. I've added them to another one of my sites." -- Daniel Schulman,

"As a webdesigner, from time to time I surf around the net for inspiration. 9 out of 10 sites are crap and a waste of time, but you won't know that until you've been there. Now, with your thumbshots directory, I can disregard 80% of those sites just by looking at the thumbnail. It saves me hours!" -- Anders, Netherlands

"I really like the idea of the thumbnails, whoever thought of it is brilliant :)" -- Jason Trepanier, Neosin Designs.

"It was cool to log into SearchGuild and see my site pic. It was even cooler when I switched to a new site and Thumbshots let me know my new site got accepted to the ODP. This is so cool I just wonder why someone didn't do it a long time ago :)" -- Aaron Wall, Pennsylvania USA, SEOBook

"Thanks for answering my e-mails promptly. Your service is impecable and your free thumbshots are just amazing. I'm truly impressed." -- Bill Doyle

"It does make things easier. I remember instances from last week when I was browing a website via DMOZ and I almost remembered the category but not the URL. There I went to thumbshots and in 2-3 clicks I found the site I was looking for....!! Picture always stays longer in your mind then text." -- CWSTeam

"I used CNET search engine with thumbshots and found it very useful. Needless to say, the goal of making surfing more targeted, useful, and fun has been achieved. It definitely saves millions of netizens time if they can get a glimpse of the webpage before exploring further!" -- Vish Manna

"Approximately 26% (!) of visitors from all over the world add our site to their favorites every day since we started featuring thumbshots preview in our search results and directory in July of 2004. Amazing, isn’t it?" -- Kirill, Clixshare

Send us your feedback! We love to hear from you.


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