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Chicago Area Realtor - Eric P. Martin
Eric P. Martin

Eric P. Martin's Weekly News Column

Eric P. Martin's

Real Estate Weekly Diary


Bronzeville... What's really going on?


Feburary 28th, 2005

Each morning, as I drive to work down Martin Luther King Drive, I admire some of Chicago's greatest architectural masterpieces. I wouldn't have given much thought to some of these graystone mansions before I got into real estate. So I thought, what's going on with the community of Bronzeville? So began my quest and spawned another idea for a website. My Real Estate Diary.

I spoke to the Office of Alderman Toni Preckwinkle of the 4th ward about what's going on in Bronzeville. One of the staff members alerted me to three projects, one which includes the Jazz on the Boulevard. I didn't know too much about the project as I should so I called on the developer of the project.

I had a chat briefly with Robbi Davis, sales manager for the Thrush Real Estate Group, the development group for the Jazz on the Boulevard project.

I was able to get some info on a program that the city has to be able to get into these condo's of prices starting out at 175K for a 1 bedroom.  The City of Chicago has a program that you can get a discount or hold a second mortgage if you qualify. I've got more info coming in the mail from Robbi, so I'll be able to speak on it more this week.


March 1st, 2005


Today I start trying to gather more information with Alderman Dorothy J. Tillman's Office. I'm told to call back at 11:00am for Brenda Ramsey who handles the development in Bronzeville or Ebony who handles the newsletter that they put out.


I called back only to find that Brenda Ramsey does the scheduling for the Alderman and Ebony is the person I need to speak to. Of course, she won't be in until tommorrow.


I came across a business card that I had got a few months back at a networking event. I called Duane Wadlington and ReBirth of Englewood Community Development Corporation. ROECDC as been around since 2000.  I was told that there's a SAVEALOT that's going to be built at 71st & Ashland. Duane also told me that ROECDC will be building a technology center at 69th & Halsted.

March 2nd, 2005


This morning I started off by calling the project manager for Bronzeville down at city hall. There's where I found the gold. The overall goal of the city is to develop something with all the vacant lots that  are between 35th & 55th, the Dan Ryan and Calumet.

On 35th & State, they plan on building 311 units of single-family homes and condos. At the corner of 35th & State are commerical plans, so their will be retail opportunities there. They plan on having a child care center there.

There are development plans for the Supreme Life Building at 3501 S. King Drive.

The Illinois Institute of Technology plans on expanding, revising their campus. 

On 50th & State they plan on totally revamaping the retail center there.

            50th & State                   50th & State 2     

             50th & State Center  #1                                           50th & State #2                     

March 3rd, 2005


What I've learned this week in doing this diary which I have made public is that my sources should and from now on remain anonymous. With that, let's get on to the business.

I.T.T. is trying to attract  technology companies to Bronzeville. They had finally annonced back in August the partial reciept of a 12 million dollar commitment  from the state to develop a three building complex located at 35th & Dearborn.


Yes, believe it or not, I'm at the office. I'm a hard working Realtor, what can I say.  

Supreme Life Building

Supreme Life Building

 After lunch I went to the Supreme Life Building for a hands on look at a Historic Landmark. East Lake Management manages the Historic Landmark which use to be the longtime headquarters for the first African-American owned and operated insurance company.

Washington Mutual are the first new tenants to lease space in this historic building. I spent quite a bit of time talking to Gail Davis-Cooper, branch manager for this new location. She wanted me to let everyone know that about their opening in the community which has been since December 20th, 2004.

Other tenant to join them will be Munchies sandwich shoppe has executed a lease; Darryl Petty, Andre' Guichard's art gallery, and Bronzevilleonline has their poster board hanging in the window of the second floor. 


If there is something that you would like to know about send me an email @


Oh, By The Way.... If you know of someone who would appreciate my services, please call me with their name and number and I will be happy to help them.

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Eric P. Martin
Eric P. Martin
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Phone: 773-536-8511
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City: Chicago
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