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Tael Aen
The Lore Keeper
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Posts: 1151
(6/26/04 11:49 am)
Name of Race:*



Grrr’arrians are certainly furred creatures, like their cousins, the Wolf. From head to toe, they may be clad in creamy pale fur, to dark and lighter shades of grey, to spotted brows and blacks, and some on rare occasion, pure white fur without markings or spots.

Pupils are circular, and located above canine muzzles. The iris color range from gold, to artic blue, rare occasions, they may be as pale as to be called white. Other colors have not yet been noted, as these seem to be the limited choice.

Perched above their canine like heads, two large, triangular ears capable of swiveling towards, and pinpointing, sound rest. These can be tufted, or sleek. Some females have been known to pierce these with colored and dyed bits of bone, or rings of gold, silver, and other metals.

Clothing is simply used for propriety’s sake, not overly much for protection from the elements, since the Grr’arrians are rather naturally protected from the cold and heat. Males may bee seen wearing roughly sewn loincloths or soft, flowing pantaloons which allow greater and swift movement. Females tend to wear the same; neither sex of the species wears anything to cover their torsos. Teats on the female tend to mimic humanoid shape, two of them upon the female of the species, to be exact. However, well groomed fur acts as a natural shirt it seems, for the women of the Grr’arrian people.

While their hands seem to be, also, roughly humanoid shaped, four fingers and an outward digit that acts as opposable thumb- the palms are most like their canine cousins. The palms and finger pads are covered in thick, black, leathery pads-finger nails replaced by long talon liked objects that the Grr’arrians tend to shape and manipulated to become claws.

Average Life span:*

The Grr’arrians live relatively short, normal life spans. Males are full age around sixteen-to eighteen, females are considered adult at fourteen or sixteen. A Males average life span will reach as far as eighty years roughly and females ninety to on rare occasions, one hundred.

Average Height:*

On average, male Grr’arrians stand upright anywhere from five foot three inches tall, upwards to an impressive Alpha male height of six foot seven inches. Some extreme cases of taller males have been noted, however, this is a very rare occurrence and such a case has not yet been reported in many decades.

Female Grr’arrians, also walking upright, can start at a delicate height of five feet, two inches, to an impressive visage of six foot one and a half feet.

Average Weight:*

Sturdy, and well muscled creatures, females can weigh upwards to 150-175 pounds, while males round out, roughly, at 180 pounds, to 260 pounds.

Race skill/Average Occupation:*

The Grr’arrian Are natural hunters, trackers, and herbal healers, considering their intimate knowledge and relationship with the world around them. There are generally three castes within the Grr’arrian society:

Teacher/Story Teller

Race Strengths: *

-It would be obvious that their hearing is superb, and well beyond the capabilities of man kind. It is rumored, that they may be able to hear the sound of insects crawling as far away as ten feet from them if concentrating.

-They are naturally outfitted with weapons; their sharp muzzles are filled with carnivorous teeth, as well as their claw/nails are carefully maintained to be razor sharp objects.

-Again, like their canine cousins, their sense of scent is an amazing ability. Able to track a scent up to two weeks of age, sensitive enough to even catch the smells of emotion. Such as, fear, anger, happiness, lust, lying, and other simple reactions. They all release the most subtle of scents to their noses.

-So close to the animal they take their appearance of, the Grr’arrians are often silent, deadly hunters that attack with a pack of them, and sharply, swiftly even.

Race Weakness’: *

-Grr’arrians always walk a fine, fine line between their human-like civility and their feral, animal instincts. Like the wolf, the Grr’arrians react easily to things they perceive as a challenge, violence, blood- and hunting. It is deeply engrained within their blood, and their bodies. The mind, and the heart, often undergo many battles between instinct and clarity of thought. An inner battle that can be easily tipped should an opponent know how to use it.

-Speech is limited, as a muzzle is not exactly shaped perfectly for the use of the common tongue. Grr’arrians communicate more using their body. Ear position, lowering haunches, twitch of tail, the way their eyes are cast, yips, growls, whines, barks-each is it’s own “word” or “phrase” if you will in the Grr’arrian tongue. However, if they must, they can, and are able to pronounce a few words to try and communicate with other races.

Weapons/Armor/Fighting Styles* (If applicable to race):

Grr’arrian armor remains simplistic and true to their earthly roots. Leather, clothes, and wood are natural fibers that make up a Grr’arrians protection and weaponry if needed.

Sturdy and well crafted animal hides, boiled, tanned and soaked in chemicals found in their own habitat, Grr’arrian leather armor is surprisingly tough and an essential part of everyday life.

Finding it more honorable to use their teeth and claws for their main fighting weapons, Grr’arrians tend to shun metals, and the more “modern” weapons of man that can be formed from them.

Rarely, one or two may take up the bow, since it a wood and sinew weapon-most simply stick to using what nature gave them for protection. In rare cases, along with the bow, some Grr’arrians can be found using the quarterstaff, or simple clubs.

Religion and Rituals:*

The Grr’arians worship, and revere of course, Dasharva’s son, Frumwæstm . The green man who watches over all plants and animals.

Just how the Grr’arrians came to worship him, isn’t rightly known. It is believed that perhaps these people may have been exposed to Elven, or human kind at some point, and the dogma of Frumwæstm was then passed down amidst them.

Though how the Grr’arrians worship him takes on a slightly different meaning.

They waste nothing; it is part of their dogma towards their God. No bone, no hide, no organ, nothing from an animal hunted may be wasted. There is a use for each part. Grr’arrians do not, and are not allowed to hunt anything more than what they are needed to keep themselves fed and living.
When a Grr’arrian hunts and finally, lands a beast to make their meal, he or she who downed the animal within the pack, must then make humble prayer to that animal, and Frumwæstm, thanking them both for that animals sacrifice.

It is taught to all Grr’arrians, that they too, came from four paws, once, and must never forget this by thinking they are ever, more higher than their animal cousins.

Prayers and spells are often sung to Frumwæstm as well, taught to children by their Shamans who hold their relationship with the God mysterious to most outside of their caste.

Evolution/History: *

It is rumored, in an old Wood Elven folk lore tale, that a sanction of druidic elves became enamored with the wolf. Breaking off from their Iron Oak brothers and sisters to live amidst the packs which ran swiftly between the trees, in order to learn the ways of their furred brethren.

The tale is twisted by years and word-of-mouth, but it is believed that as the years passed- the druid elves taught the wolves their tongues, and the ways of upright man, and the wolves taught the druids Ways of The Pack, and hunting with claw and fang.

Here; it is said that Frumwæstm so approved of their alliance, that he blessed both wolf and Elf to merge together- until the elves grew fur and hand shaped paws, and the wolves grew to walk upright and learned how to manipulate their muzzles to speak like their Elven brothers.

How true this folk tale may be, is close to impossible to tell, as in the early years of Elven history-history tended to be passed through stories and songs, and never written down.

Culture, Customs, & Marriage : *

As within all wolf packs, The alpha male and female are the only couple allowed to mate and bear pups within the pack, ensuring the offspring is, and will become, the strongest, healthiest pack members for the future.

However, through the years, the pack females have adopted, and healers have learned the ways of their land. Using herbs to prevent pregnancy, mating is allowed amidst the packs, as long as no pups are born or breed other than that of the Alpha male and female.

Should a Grr’arrian couple wish to bear children, they must leave the pack to start their own. On pain of having their pups slaughtered, and the two of them rejected from the Pack, no two couples other than Alpha male and Female may procreate to add to the Pack. This is law, and this law has remained for as long as the Grr’arrian people can remember.

Swift is the justice, to many broken heart’s sorrow, of those that break it.

Often, fur is stained with berries and natural herbs, to blantantly and with much pride- show to fellow Grr’arrians their tribe, how many kills and how rich their pack may be in pup size and food stocks. Grr’arrians take immense pride in theirselves, and their fellow pack mates.


The Alpha male in each pack, along with his mate, rule over the pack with “Iron Paws”, so to speak.

With him, rules his mate, the Alpha Female, and through them, they are the peace makers, problem solvers- and the Father and Mother figures of the Pack. Again, they are also the only mating pair in the entire pack. This is to ensure that the pups born are the most fit, and strongest.

However; as age carries away such assurances, The Alpha male and/or Alpha Female can be challenged for their position by younger challengers who believe they are stonger, faster, and smarter than those who they seek to replace.

This challenge can be impromptu-and can happen at any given time, or the challenger can formally request to attempt to upsurp the Alpha male and female; which often results in a gathering of the entire Pack-hinting at religious over tones.

It is a violent thing, and oft times, one does not walk away living. Occasionally, both can die in the battle-rendering an entire pack into confusion and anarchy until the remaining Alpha Male or Female either chooses another mate.

Enemy/ies :

As with most wolves- they consider humanity and humanoids that lean closely to the “human pack” –their enemies until proven other wise. Elven kind, ofcourse-through many years and patient, tentative meetings, have been able to sway most Grr’arrians opinions of them.

Wolves hold no respect for those who pollute their natural habitat, or have no ‘honor’ as they tend to see their furless cousins.

Habitat: *

Grr’arrians make their homes in densely populated forests and woods. It is uncommon to see them near man, however, on occasion, it is said that they still interact and trade with Wood elves for supplies from time to time. Even more rare- it is said that a few Grr’arrians strike out on their own on a ‘Spirit Quest’ to find themselves, and to listen for the words of their God to come whispering on their lengthy travels.

Most Grr’arrians, however, chose to simply fast for a few days outside of their packs den and area, preferring not to traverse far for their Spirit quests.

Grr’arrians can be found populating Aurugur, and the forested regions of Estinra. However, the Estinra Grr’arrians tend to be of a much darker pelt coloring, usually velveteen black to a darkest brown, compared to the grays and lighter colors of the Aurugur packs.

Capital City/Main village or Town* (Only if it applies to race):

None. See: Habitat.

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