More Oahu, Hawaii Fishing Reports...
2005 : 1 2 3 Year :
Fri Mar 4, 2005 2:46:14 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Tim Remzi, Burke Johnson, John Smith, and Scott Balmos caught 55 shibi for an action packed day of fishing
We got going at 5:00 on this day of 20 kph south winds going to my next favorite buoy. We took a shibi hit on our first pass, but a porpoise came up and ate it off the hook. We went to light line and caught some small aku and shibi, no big ones, so we went to my favorite buoy. We got a nice shibi on our first pass, then came back with bait and the bite was on. We were getting 3 or four a pass, then we had a really good pass and got 17 in one long pass, it was wild action, we had 4 fish on many times on that pass. These guys were all avid fishermen and it showed, they were unhooking fish so Scot could bait them up faster. As soon as a fish came in Scot would have one more on in seconds, it was as good as it gets. In the harbor all these guys ate eyeballs, I like it. It was a pleasure to have good anglers on a day like this, good going men! Aloha Capt Rusty
Wed Mar 2, 2005 2:11:18 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Dan Healy, and Mark Becker caught 11 shibi and 2 mahi
We got going at 5:00 on this day of 20 kph trades going to my favorite buoy. We got some small aku and ran them live, when we baited we got some shibi, 1 or 2 a pass. Then a mahi came by and Scot baited it up, and we got it. The bite was slow , we had to work at it. Dan baited up another mahi and we got it too. We went to another buoy and ran 2 live aku, when we baited we had something eat one of our aku and take it off the hook. We got 2 more shibi there. No hits on the way in. In the harbor only Dan was game to eat an eyeball. Good going men! Aloha Capt Rusty
Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:03:31 AM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Mack and Peggy Spitellie caught 18 shibi and 2 mahi for some fast fun
We got going at 5:00 on this day of 25kph trades going to my old favorite buoy. We hooked a small shibi on our first pass and ran it live. Then we went to baiting and the big shibi came up and we got 2 and a mahi on that pass. Next pass we got 3 more shibi. Then on our third and final pass we got the school to stay with us for a long time, we landed 12 shibi and 1 mahi, the action was hot and heavy. Mack was reeling in fish after fish after fish, and Scot just kept hooking more up. it was wild, the deck was awash with fish. That's what happens when it gets rough. Aloha Capt Rusty
Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:02:41 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Garry Hayes, Kristy Weist, Garry W. Hayes, Jeremy Havard, and Debbie Hayes caught 3 mahi and 11 shibi for a fun day
We got going at 5:00 on this day of 15 kph trades going to my old favorite buoy. We got 3 shibi on our first pass. Then came back with bait and got 2 more and a nice mahi too. They stopped for a while so we jigged and caught some aku, when we hooked a shibi trolling we went back to baiting. A small mahi came by and Scot baited it up and a bunch more shibi too. On our way in we found an open school of mahi and got one trolling. In the harbor Garry and Jeremy were game to eat eyeballs, alright. These folks did great considering how rainy and rough it was today. Aloha Capt Rusty
Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:40:35 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Ryan Tranchida, Justin Scott, Bill Leahy, and Sean McCahill caught 17 shibi and one big 39 pound mahi
We got going at 5:00 on this day of 15-20 kph north winds going to my old favorite buoy. We caught some small shibi and aku and ran 2 live. Then we started baiting and the big shibi were up and eating, we were hooking up 2 at a time. The action was hot and we just kept hooking up. These guys love to fish and it showed, they did great on all these fish. On the way in we found an open school of mahi and a 39 pound wahine came in and ate the purple soft head, and Bill did a great job reeling it in. In the harbor Bill and Ryan were bold enough to eat eyeballs, I like it. Good going men . Aloha Capt Rusty
Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:13:31 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Jack Rantz, Dick Rantz, Gerry Peloquin, John Rantz, and Jay Rollins did the second half and caught 11 nice shibi
We took off at 12:30 going to my old favorite buoy. We jigged and put out 2 live aku then baited and started catching shibi . We had a mystery bite on one of our live bait but it came off and did not leave any marks on the body. The shibi were comming real close eating our baits and chum, the action was hot and wild. These guys did great on these fish. In the harbor it was a clean sweep every body ate eyeballs, I like it. Aloha Capt Rusty
Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:53:03 AM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Gordon Knight caught 1 big 34 pound mahi and 18 shibi for a fun filled day
We got going before 5:00 on this day of 15 kph trades going to my favorite buoy. We caught 2 small baits and ran them live, as soon as we stopped to bait our mahi inhaled one of our baits and hooked up. Gordon did a great job reeling it in. Then we went to jigging and we were getting nice size shibi every pass by the bouy. It was steady action and Gordon did'nt miss a beat, it was a real workout. In the harbor the fish got to keep their eyes. Aloha Capt Rusty
Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:24:37 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Marilee and Russ Bell, and John and Deani Curtis caught 21 shibi and 4 mahi and 1 big aku for a action packed day
We got going at 5:00 on this day of 20 kph trades going to my old favorite buoy. We started out with the light line and got 1 shibi on our first pass. Then we got a few small aku and shibi and ran them live. Then we baited and it was doubles every time for lots of passes. Then a big hammerhead came around, we put out a wire leader and eventually he ate it. We got it near the boat and it broke line on a run. Every so often a mahi came by and we got them too. These folks did great on all these fish, they loved to fish and it showed. Aloha Capt Rusty
Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:11:03 AM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Jennifer Hill, Mike Heath, Alex and Kevin Stone caught 11 shibi and 2 mahi
We go going at 5:00 on this day of 20kph trades going to my old favorite buoy. We got a mahi on our second pass, then went to the light line and caught some small aku and ran them live. When we did a bait pass Scot hooked 10 shibi on bait, and Alex and Mike reeled them in, they did great. We got one more mahi on bait and it was time to go. In the harbor the fish got to keep their eyes. It was a sorta rough day today, these folks did ok. Aloha Capt rusty
Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:36:34 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Steve Thurston and Pat Mulligan caught 20 mahi and 14 shibi for a super action packed day
We got underway at 5:00 on this windy day of 25 kph trades going to my old favorite buoy. We had a long wait while we wandered around looking for the buoy, but on our first pass we got 8 mahi so it was worth it. We went to the light line and started catching shibi and aku, we ran 2 live ones. Three mahi came around and Scot baited them all up. We got a few nice shibi and a few more mahi. When we did a bait pass we hooked a shark and the mahi and shibi followed us for a long way, with Steve reeling in 10 fish in rapid fire mode. We made a few more passes and ended up with 20 mahi and 14 shibi. These guys did a great job on all these fish, and handeled the rough water too. In the harbor it was up to Steve's wife Michelle to eat an eyeball, good going. Aloha Capt Rusty
2005 : 1 2 3 Year :
