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Playboy Magazine

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Catalog: Magazine --> Explore similar items
Media: Magazine

Price: $15.96
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Product Features
  • Magazine Subscription

Customer Reviews
Avg. Customer Review:

The Slow Playboy Devolution
I received my subscription to Playboy as a birthday gift from a girlfriend when I was in College some 15 years ago. While she thought I would enjoy the erotic photography, I actually wound up being hooked on the political commentaries, the editorials, and often informative Playboy advisor. I never used playboy for self-gratifying purposes, but was definitely a champion of "I read playboy for the Articles." My girlfriend later believed me when she wound up finding my hidden Pornography stash, which, I definitely did not read for the articles.

Well folks, over the past few years, Playboy has declined. The "articles" have been slimmed down for those with short attention spans, and rarely does the magazine make any political statements, or touch on controversial topics. Even the advisor has turned into letters describing Penthouse Forum style experiences, with a response saying "Great experience, insert witty comment here."

The decline has been gradual, and definitely crept up on me, but now the only difference between MAXIM and Playboy are the centerfolds. It's very sad. Playboy was the one true "Gentleman's" magazine. Now it seems to be pandering to the prurient and ill educated. Playboy has transformed itself from a Men's Magazine, to a collage of MTV images and meaningless tag lines. I've since cancelled my subscription, and there is no magazine that I can find that caters to the discerning "Gentleman."

I hope Playboy reinvents itself back to its roots again. Because, truly, those teenagers who enjoy it now, will grow out of it and will never match the loyalty... the loyalty Hef used to have... with those who collected the magazine and looked forward to each new issue.

For men who love living
Playboy is not just a magazine -- it's an accessory for
living the modern good-life!

Of course there are amazing pictures of gorgeous women,
but it's also much more than that. It's an attitude;
one that is about loving women and loving life... getting
the most out of life and every moment of living.

The articles and interviews and fashion insights are current
and very modern. They have turned me on to cool trends and
devellopments like the new Ford Thunerbird, and Jet Blue airlines and the "New Sex Now" dvd for super-intense sex.

Keeping Playboy on my coffee table is a commitment to myself,
to fun, and to being a man who lives life to the fullest.

Good articles lame photos.
This magazine still writes good articles but the photographs of the women are more often then not really lame.Its not as bad as Penthouse with the black and white photographs and the mediocre hardcore but one good thing that Penthouse has that Playboy doesnt are the luscious lesbian photos. I dont know why but Penthouse always has the really good looking women in that department.I must admit that Playboy does have some very cute women sometimes though.

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