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Foie Gras

Foie Gras

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Whole Foie Gras (Duck or Goose)

Whole Duck Foie Gras (Grade A) from Hudson Valley Farms is recognized by its sweet taste, oval shape and firm texture, and is versatile enough for both the creation of foie gras terrines and sautéing. *Chef Favorite*

La Belle Farms Duck Foie Gras (Grade A) has a distinctive sweet taste, due to the corn feeding of the duck, and is best sautéd. Read more about this product in the November issue of The Rosengarten Report.

Fresh Duck Foie Gras by Rougié imported from Midi-Pyrenees, Gascogne, France and is made from Moulard Ducks. The livers are soft and easy to slice. Great for making terrines and holds well in the pan. (Grade A)

Fresh Goose Foie Gras by Rougié, imported from Midi-Pyrenees, Gascogne, France. (Grade A). Both French duck and French goose foie gras are sold forzen. Our French duck foie gras weights between 1.25lb - 1.5lb.
All American produced foie gras range from 1.5lb. to 1.6lb.

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Block of Pure Duck Foie Gras

Made with pure Foie Gras - a highly prized delicacy of the Southwest region of France. This delectable Foie Gras product by Les Trois Petits Cochons is very silky and sweet. The only ingredients are duck Foie Gras, Sauternes wine, salt, Cognac, sugar and spices. This delicacy is ready to slice and serve.

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Block of Goose Foie Gras with 3% Truffles

This superb foie gras by Rougié comes paired with truffles for an incredible eating experience. This French delicacy is soft and creamy, but firm enough to slice. Serve it with cornichons to enhance the flavor. This true gourmet classic is ready to slice and serve.
Also available:
Mousse of Goose Liver with 2% Truffles by Rougié
Mousse of Goose Liver by Rougié

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Block of Goose Foie Gras (Kosher)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved the first and only kosher foie gras for import. The kosher foie gras is manufactured according to traditional southwest French recipes under the supervision of the Kashruth Division of the Orthodox Union. It has a Glatt Kosher label.

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Mousse Truffee

This luxurious mousse by Les Trois Petits Cochons features the gem of French cuisine – the black truffle. Flavored with Pineau des Charentes and Sherry, this mousse has an unbelievable silky texture and is perfect for the most elegant occasions. A real crowd-pleaser!

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