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Best Search Engine   2-27-05

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Search Engine News  3-3-05

Google started updating their data centers today.  The update is about 25% complete at 8 pm 3-3-05.

Search Engine News  2-16-05

We and many others have been critical of Google over the last 6-12 months.  Please read below.  We want to be fair and we want Google to be great.  Google's years of outstanding search engine technology and results has helped the search engine industry greatly.  Google helped drive Yahoo and MSN to be the excellent search engines they are today.  Google has been instrumental in what we believe to be the most important development in search engine technology for 2005.  Thank you Google for this wonderful work.  Please click on this link and read it for all the details.

Search Engine News  1-1-05

Google makes first toolbar PR meter update in 87 days.

Yahoo Home page goes back to PR10

Microsoft drops both PR10s to PR9

Jan 1-2005 TBPR Update:
53 out of 148 pages dropped from a PR10 to PR9 or PR8. That is 35% drop in PR10 pages.  That seems fairly major.  This is believed by many expects to be caused by all the billions of pages Google has been adding to its index in the last few months.  So I guess this makes sense since the total amount of PageRank for the entire Internet is divided among the total amount of pages in the Google index.  Adding of all these pages causes dilution for older pages PR as new added pages drain their share of PageRank.

Oct 5/2004 TBPR Update:
37 out of 165 dropped from a PR10 to a PR9. That's 22%.

Here are the PR10 Oct 6/2004 page and June 22/2004 Page:

Yahoo back up to PR10

Microsoft: As of the June 22/2004 update MS had 5 PR10 pages. On Oct 5th TBPR update they lost 4 of those pages and picked up one new PR10 page for a total of 2 PR10 pages. They just lost both of those PR10 pages down to a PR9 so then now have 0 PR10 pages.

Adobe:  They are now down to 49 PR10 pages.

Search Engine News  12-14-04

Technical problems continue at Google and it has only been getting worse.

Please read below.

Original Message Follows:
From: Bill Jones
Subject: Please fix this Google defect
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 20:56:17 -0800


Regarding your name toolbar feature that knows the name and goes directly to the site. What do you
call it again?

For example if I type blowmeuptom I go directly to

I really like this feature.

You need to do this more and add more sites for this.

One you should set up this way is: gototom

No one would type this for any reason except to go to

Can you fix this?

Thank you.

gototom is a very useful and good site recognized by other good search engines.

Thank you in advance for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 4:54 PM
To: Bill Jones
Subject: Re: [#18066440] Please fix this

Thank you for your note. The feature you inquired about is called Browse
By Name.  Browse by Name is an automated feature of the Google Toolbar that
uses our algorithmic technology to match search terms with specific URLs.
We do not sell keyword matches nor do we manually assign specific pages to
certain keywords. Although you cannot buy Browse by Name keywords for your
site, please keep in mind that our Browse by Name results may change over
time as the Google index is updated.

We're always working to improve our Browse by Name technology, and we
appreciate your taking the time to write.

The Google Team


Original Message Follows:
From: Bill Jones
Subject: RE: [#18066440] Please fix this
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 17:02:47 -0800


Please forward this email to your management.

I do NOT want to buy anything.

I am trying to help you fix a Google defect.

When you type gototom at Google, Browse by Name should send the person to

This is what the public wants.

Try typing gototom at Yahoo and MSN beta. See it comes up fine.

Then try it on Google.   Google is broken and defective on this particular search.

You should pay me for helping you fix your Defects.

Kind regards,

A Unhappy Google user.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 6:15 PM
To: Bill Jones
Subject: Re: [#18066440] Please fix this

Thank you for your reply. We apologize for our previous confusion. As we
mentioned in our previous mail, unfortunately, we're not able to manually
assign specific pages to certain keywords. We're always working to improve
our Browse by Name technology, and we appreciate your taking the time to

The Google Team


Thank you for the quick response.

I do NOT want you to manually fix this problem.

Is there some process where you can forward it internally to your engineers
to fix this as part of an update to other problems they are trying to fix?

I used to love Google. Recently you guys have really gone down hill.

Yahoo and MSN beta seem much better than Google today. I work in the
Internet industry and I hear this all day long. People are quickly dropping
Google and switching to your competitors.

Why is Google having so many technical problems recently?

Can you please try and help have this problem fixed?

What would one of you engineers say if he does the simple test of typing
gototom at Google, Yahoo, and MSN beta?

I do not see how anyone could deduce any conclusion except that Google is
very defective compared to their competitors on this particular search.

Unfortunately I see this on thousands of searches Not just this one.

Again please help me.

I look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Kind regards,

A hopeful unhappy Google user.


Search Engine News  11-19-04

The new beta version of MSN (see link above) is outstanding.  Better than Google already?  Everyone I talk with loves the new MSN.  Can MSN take over as king of the search engines?

Google has fixed some of the problems discussed below.

Google still has not fixed their defect on this page however.  This page is in every search engine Except Google.  It was in Google for 2 years before 7-8-04.  Please write Google and ask them why and to please put this page back in their search engine.  Thank you. ; also do a search for gototom on Google and then give them feedback. 
For Google toolbar users typing gototom at the address bar should send you directly to

Interesting search engine information

More Google Information - Some Defects Fixed


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