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Affiliate Information Page

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Webmasters, Retail Stores & Affiliate Link Information page


Place this banner, or one of several others,
on your site as an Important Resource
for those who need to alert medics of a
condition at a time of emergency.

Link to Medic Assist

Banner Link to the Medic Assist Jewelry Store.


1.   Click HERE to sign up as an affiliate and earn commissions on all product sales.  These commissions can be paid directly to you or they can be sent directly to a charity of your choosing.  Payments are made quarterly on accounts that have accrued commissions of $25.00 or more.

2.   Click HERE to enter the password protected area for existing Affiliates to view their accounts.


An economical solution for retailers that have little, if any, capacity to competitively custom engrave.

3.   Click HERE to apply for a Commercial Affiliate Store and REMOTE ENGRAVING SOLUTION Account.
(Requires the standard affiliate signup above - #1.)  

Commercial Affiliate Store Accounts are designed for existing retail (bricks & Mortar) stores that heretofore could not easily handle custom engraved items on an ongoing retail basis.  

These accounts need only acquire one, or more, display unit(s), ONE TIME

Thereafter, every time a sale is completed in the store, the store enters a special Medic Assist internet page and enters the order directly with Medic Assist.  This item is then custom engraved and shipped either to the store or directly to the store's customer within 2 working days.  The original inventory item stays in the retail display.

For more information click HERE or call 1-877-902-8969.


BBBOnLine Reliability Seal Payment Services provided to this site by Verisign.

Click HERE to go to the Jewelry Store Entrance
You  may also contact us by phone at the following toll free number:

© Medic Assist, 1996 - 2004 all rights reserved.
E-Mail for information on this site, or its contents.

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