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A Game is any activity that is meant to entertain the participants and that is governed by a specific set of rules. Games are also usually competitive, typically involving players competing either against each other, against one or more simulated players, or against tasks set by the rules of the game. There are usually ways to win and lose a game spelled out in the rules.

Games covers sites about nearly any sort of non-computer game - for computer and video games check out Computer and Video Games and non-Gambling games - for Gambling check out Gambling Games.

Most other activities that are commonly referred to as games are found here. Sites about Sports,Hobbies and Recreational Activities , or sites whose primary purpose is to sell items have categories specifically for sites with their type of content.

Sports are usually more physical activities, and generally involve some form of physical exertion. Included there are sports that may be recreational rather than competitive activities for most people, such as bicycling.

Recreation is for hobbies, activities, and pastimes that are meant to give enjoyment during a participant's leisure time. These activities are generally not competitive and usually don't have a way to absolutely win or lose. They are not typically governed by a specific set of rules.

Shopping contains sites of which the primary focus is to allow the consumer to select and obtain goods and services over the web.
  • Board Games
  • CCGs
  • Card Games
  • Coin-Op
  • Collecting
  • Computer Games
  • Console Games
  • Conventions
  • Developers and Publishers
  • Dice
  • Fantasy Sports
  • Gambling
  • Game Studies
  • Hand Games
  • Hand-Eye Coordination
  • MUDs
  • Miniatures
  • Online
  • Paper and Pencil
  • Party Games
  • Play Groups
  • Play-By-Mail
  • Puzzles
  • Resources
  • Roleplaying
  • Shopping
  • Tile Games
  • Trading Card Games
  • Video Games
  • Web Hosting
  • Women in Gaming
  • Yard, Deck, and Table Games

  • See also:
  • ArtsEntertainment

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      Lets Have A Bet
    Football betting online between individual players.

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